# FixYouTube Embed YouTube videos on Telegram, Discord and more! ## How to use: Replace `www.youtube.com` or `youtu.be` with `y.outube.duckdns.org` to fix embeds for short videos. https://github.com/BiRabittoh/FixYouTube/assets/26506860/e1ad5397-41c8-4073-9b3e-598c66241255 ## Instructions (Docker) ### With reverse proxy Copy the template config file and make your adjustments. My configuration is based on [DuckDNS](http://duckdns.org/) but you can use whatever provider you find [here](https://docs.linuxserver.io/general/swag#docker-compose). ``` cp docker/swag.env.example docker/swag.env nano docker/swag.env ``` Finally: `docker-compose up -d`. ### Without reverse proxy Simply run: ``` docker run -d -p 1111:80 --name fixyoutube --restart unless-stopped ghcr.io/birabittoh/fixyoutube:main ``` ## Instructions (local) ### Debug ``` poetry install poetry run flask --app fixyoutube run --port 1111 --debug ``` ### Production ``` poetry install --with prod poetry run waitress-serve --port 1111 fixyoutube:app ```