"""Basic map editor that creates a .txt file to work with my tilemap module. Probably not the best way to do it.""" import os import sys import pygame as pg from data import constants as c from data import setup class SheetSelectorBox(object): """The box to choose which sprite sheet to work with""" def __init__(self, editor): self.image = pg.Surface((200, 750)) self.image.fill(c.WHITE) self.rect = self.image.get_rect() self.font = pg.font.Font(setup.FONTS[c.MAIN_FONT], 22) self.editor = editor self.draw_sheet_names() self.button_rects = self.create_button_rects() def draw_sheet_names(self): sheet_list = ['tileset1', 'tileset2', 'tileset3'] for i, sheet in enumerate(sheet_list): font_render = self.font.render(sheet, True, c.NEAR_BLACK) font_rect = font_render.get_rect(x=10, y=10+(i*50)) self.image.blit(font_render, font_rect) def create_button_rects(self): rect_dict = {} for i in range(3): new_rect = pg.Rect(0, (i*50), 200, 50) rect_dict['rect'+str(i)] = new_rect return rect_dict def update(self): self.check_for_click(self.editor.click_point) def check_for_click(self, click_point): for rect in self.button_rects: if self.button_rects[rect].collidepoint(click_point): if self.editor.mouse_clicked: self.rect_to_draw = self.button_rects[rect] self.editor.mouse_clicked = False def draw(self, surface): """Draw box to surface""" surface.blit(self.image, self.rect) pg.draw.rect(surface, c.DARK_RED, self.rect_to_draw, 10) class MapCreator(object): """A simple map tile editor""" def __init__(self): self.screen = self.setup_pygame() self.screen_rect = self.screen.get_rect() self.clock = pg.time.Clock() self.fps = 60.0 self.keys = pg.key.get_pressed() self.done = False self.mouse_click = False self.sheet_selector_box = SheetSelectorBox(self) def setup_pygame(self): """Set up pygame and return the main surface""" os.environ['SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED'] = '1' pg.init() pg.display.set_mode((1100, 750)) surface = pg.display.get_surface() surface.fill(c.BLACK_BLUE) return surface def main_loop(self): while not self.done: self.event_loop() self.update() pg.display.update() self.clock.tick(self.fps) def event_loop(self): for event in pg.event.get(): self.keys = pg.key.get_pressed() if event.type == pg.QUIT or self.keys[pg.K_ESCAPE]: self.done = True elif event.type == pg.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: self.mouse_click = True self.click_point = pg.mouse.get_pos() def update(self): self.sheet_selector_box.update() self.sheet_selector_box.draw(self.screen) if __name__ == "__main__": map_creator = MapCreator() map_creator.main_loop() pg.quit() sys.exit()