"""This is the state that handles battles against monsters""" import pygame as pg from .. import tools, setup from .. components import person from .. import constants as c class Battle(tools._State): def __init__(self): super(Battle, self).__init__() def startup(self, current_time, game_data): """Initialize state attributes""" self.current_time = current_time self.game_data = game_data self.background = self.make_background() self.enemy_group = self.make_enemies() self.player_group = self.make_player() self.battle_info = BattleInfo() self.select_box = SelectBox() self.state_dict = self.make_state_dict() self.name = 'battle' self.next = game_data['last state'] def make_background(self): """Make the blue/black background""" background = pg.sprite.Sprite() surface = pg.Surface(c.SCREEN_SIZE).convert() surface.fill(c.BLACK_BLUE) background.image = surface background.rect = background.image.get_rect() background_group = pg.sprite.Group(background) return background_group def make_enemies(self): """Make the enemies for the battle. Return sprite group""" enemy = person.Person('devil', 100, 220, 'down', 'battle resting') enemy.image = pg.transform.scale2x(enemy.image) group = pg.sprite.Group(enemy) return group def make_player(self): """Make the sprite for the player's character""" player = person.Player('left', 630, 220, 'battle resting', 1) player.image = pg.transform.scale2x(player.image) player_group = pg.sprite.Group(player) return player_group def make_state_dict(self): """ Make the dictionary of states the battle can be in. """ state_dict = {'select action': self.select_action, 'select enemy': self.select_enemy, 'enemy attack': self.enemy_attack, 'player attack': self.player_attack, 'run away': self.run_away} return state_dict def select_action(self): """ Select player action, of either attack, item, magic, run away. """ pass def select_enemy(self): """ Select enemy you wish to attack. """ pass def enemy_attack(self): """ Enemies, each in turn, attack the player. """ pass def player_attack(self): """ Player attacks enemy """ pass def run_away(self): """ Player attempts to run away. """ pass def update(self, surface, keys, current_time): """Update the battle state""" self.check_input(keys) self.enemy_group.update(current_time) self.player_group.update(keys, current_time) self.select_box.update(keys) self.draw_battle(surface) def check_input(self, keys): """ Check user input to navigate GUI. """ if keys[pg.K_SPACE]: self.game_data['last state'] = self.name self.done = True def draw_battle(self, surface): """Draw all elements of battle state""" self.background.draw(surface) self.enemy_group.draw(surface) self.player_group.draw(surface) surface.blit(self.battle_info.image, self.battle_info.rect) surface.blit(self.select_box.image, self.select_box.rect) class BattleInfo(object): """ Info box that describes attack damage and other battle related information. """ def __init__(self): self.image = setup.GFX['shopbox'] self.rect = self.image.get_rect(bottom=608) class SelectBox(object): """ Box to select whether to attack, use item, use magic or run away. """ def __init__(self): self.font = pg.font.Font(setup.FONTS[c.MAIN_FONT], 22) self.slots = self.make_slots() self.arrow = SelectArrow() self.image = self.make_image() self.rect = self.image.get_rect(bottom=608, right=800) def make_image(self): """ Make the box image for """ image = setup.GFX['goldbox'] rect = image.get_rect(bottom=608) surface = pg.Surface(rect.size) surface.set_colorkey(c.BLACK) surface.blit(image, (0, 0)) for text in self.slots: text_surface = self.font.render(text, True, c.NEAR_BLACK) text_rect = text_surface.get_rect(x=self.slots[text]['x'], y=self.slots[text]['y']) surface.blit(text_surface, text_rect) surface.blit(self.arrow.image, self.arrow.rect) return surface def make_slots(self): """ Make the slots that hold the text selections, and locations. """ slot_dict = {} selections = ['Attack', 'Magic', 'Items', 'Run'] for i, text in enumerate(selections): slot_dict[text] = {'x': 150, 'y': (i*34)+10} return slot_dict def update(self, keys): """Update components. """ self.arrow.update(keys) self.image = self.make_image() class SelectArrow(object): """Small arrow for menu""" def __init__(self): self.image = setup.GFX['smallarrow'] self.rect = self.image.get_rect() self.state = 'select action' self.state_dict = self.make_state_dict() self.pos_list = self.make_select_action_pos_list() self.index = 0 self.rect.topleft = self.pos_list[self.index] self.allow_input = False def make_state_dict(self): """Make state dictionary""" state_dict = {'select action': self.select_action, 'select enemy': self.select_enemy} return state_dict def select_action(self, keys): """ Select what action the player should take. """ self.pos_list = self.make_select_action_pos_list() self.rect.topleft = self.pos_list[self.index] if self.allow_input: if keys[pg.K_DOWN] and self.index < (len(self.pos_list) - 1): self.index += 1 self.allow_input = False elif keys[pg.K_UP] and self.index > 0: self.index -= 1 self.allow_input = False if keys[pg.K_DOWN] == False and keys[pg.K_UP] == False: self.allow_input = True def make_select_action_pos_list(self): """ Make the list of positions the arrow can be in. """ pos_list = [] for i in range(4): x = 50 y = (i * 34) + 12 pos_list.append((x, y)) return pos_list def select_enemy(self): """ Select what enemy you want to take action on. """ pass def enter_select_action(self): """ Assign values for the select action state. """ pass def enter_select_enemy(self): """ Assign values for the select enemy state. """ pass def update(self, keys): """ Update arrow position. """ state_function = self.state_dict[self.state] state_function(keys) def draw(self, surface): """ Draw to surface. """ surface.blit(self.image, self.rect)