all repos — Legends-RPG @ 9f06f3e87d4e17cfc5237ecb438224bc376b95ed

A fantasy mini-RPG built with Python and Pygame.

resources/tmx/dungeon.tmx (view raw)

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 13 </layer>
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 19   </properties>
 20  </object>
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100  <object name="blocker" gid="70" x="304" y="304"/>
101  <object name="blocker" gid="70" x="304" y="272"/>
102  <object name="blocker" gid="70" x="304" y="256"/>
103  <object name="blocker" gid="70" x="304" y="224"/>
104  <object name="blocker" gid="70" x="304" y="240"/>
105  <object name="blocker" gid="70" x="304" y="208"/>
106  <object name="blocker" gid="70" x="304" y="176"/>
107  <object name="blocker" gid="70" x="304" y="192"/>
108  <object name="blocker" gid="70" x="304" y="160"/>
109  <object name="portal" type="dungeon2" gid="89" x="48" y="96"/>
110  <object name="start point" gid="73" x="48" y="112">
111   <properties>
112    <property name="direction" value="down"/>
113    <property name="state" value="dungeon2"/>
114   </properties>
115  </object>
116  <object name="portal" type="dungeon4" gid="89" x="336" y="96"/>
117  <object name="start point" gid="73" x="336" y="112">
118   <properties>
119    <property name="direction" value="down"/>
120    <property name="state" value="dungeon4"/>
121   </properties>
122  </object>
123  <object name="sprite" type="treasurechest" gid="51" x="192" y="96">
124   <properties>
125    <property name="dialogue length" value="1"/>
126    <property name="dialogue0" value="You found a Healing Potion"/>
127    <property name="id" value="1"/>
128    <property name="item" value="Healing Potion"/>
129   </properties>
130  </object>
131 </objectgroup>
132 <layer name="Tile Layer 2" width="25" height="27">
133  <data encoding="base64" compression="zlib">
134   eJxjYKAP6EHj9yKx+3CoI0YNsvh0NDtmILFn4lBHjBpk8VEwCkbBKBgFo2AUjIJRQD0AAG1HCSk=
135  </data>
136 </layer>