""" This is the base class for all level states (i.e. states where the player can move around the screen). Levels are differentiated by self.name and self.tmx_map. This class inherits from the generic state class found in the tools.py module. """ import copy, sys import pygame as pg from .. import tools, collision from .. import constants as c from .. components import person, textbox, portal from . import player_menu from .. import tilerender from .. import setup #Python 2/3 compatibility. if sys.version_info[0] == 2: range = xrange class LevelState(tools._State): def __init__(self, name, battles=False): super(LevelState, self).__init__() self.name = name self.tmx_map = setup.TMX[name] self.allow_battles = battles self.music, self.volume = self.set_music() def set_music(self): """ Set music based on name. """ music_dict = {c.TOWN: ('town_theme', .4), c.OVERWORLD: ('overworld', .4), c.CASTLE: ('kings_theme', .4), c.DUNGEON: ('dungeon_theme', .4), c.DUNGEON2: ('dungeon_theme', .4), c.DUNGEON3: ('dungeon_theme', .4), c.DUNGEON4: ('dungeon_theme', .4), c.DUNGEON5: ('dungeon_theme', .4), c.HOUSE: ('pleasant_creek', .1), c.BROTHER_HOUSE: ('pleasant_creek', .1)} if self.name in music_dict: music = music_dict[self.name][0] volume = music_dict[self.name][1] return setup.MUSIC[music], volume else: return None, None def startup(self, current_time, game_data): """ Call when the State object is flipped to. """ self.game_data = game_data self.current_time = current_time self.state = 'transition_in' self.reset_dialogue = () self.switch_to_battle = False self.use_portal = False self.allow_input = False self.cut_off_bottom_map = ['castle', 'town', 'dungeon'] self.renderer = tilerender.Renderer(self.tmx_map) self.map_image = self.renderer.make_2x_map() self.viewport = self.make_viewport(self.map_image) self.level_surface = self.make_level_surface(self.map_image) self.level_rect = self.level_surface.get_rect() self.portals = self.make_level_portals() self.player = self.make_player() self.blockers = self.make_blockers() self.sprites = self.make_sprites() self.collision_handler = collision.CollisionHandler(self.player, self.blockers, self.sprites, self.portals, self) self.dialogue_handler = textbox.TextHandler(self) self.state_dict = self.make_state_dict() self.menu_screen = player_menu.Player_Menu(game_data, self) self.transition_rect = setup.SCREEN.get_rect() self.transition_alpha = 255 def make_viewport(self, map_image): """ Create the viewport to view the level through. """ map_rect = map_image.get_rect() return setup.SCREEN.get_rect(bottom=map_rect.bottom) def make_level_surface(self, map_image): """ Create the surface all images are blitted to. """ map_rect = map_image.get_rect() map_width = map_rect.width if self.name in self.cut_off_bottom_map: map_height = map_rect.height - 32 else: map_height = map_rect.height size = map_width, map_height return pg.Surface(size).convert() def make_player(self): """ Make the player and sets location. """ last_state = self.previous if last_state == 'battle': player = person.Player(self.game_data['last direction'], self.game_data) player.rect.x = self.game_data['last location'][0] * 32 player.rect.y = self.game_data['last location'][1] * 32 else: for object in self.renderer.tmx_data.getObjects(): properties = object.__dict__ if properties['name'] == 'start point': if last_state == properties['state']: posx = properties['x'] * 2 posy = (properties['y'] * 2) - 32 player = person.Player(properties['direction'], self.game_data) player.rect.x = posx player.rect.y = posy return player def make_blockers(self): """ Make the blockers for the level. """ blockers = [] for object in self.renderer.tmx_data.getObjects(): properties = object.__dict__ if properties['name'] == 'blocker': left = properties['x'] * 2 top = ((properties['y']) * 2) - 32 blocker = pg.Rect(left, top, 32, 32) blockers.append(blocker) return blockers def make_sprites(self): """ Make any sprites for the level as needed. """ sprites = pg.sprite.Group() for object in self.renderer.tmx_data.getObjects(): properties = object.__dict__ if properties['name'] == 'sprite': if 'direction' in properties: direction = properties['direction'] else: direction = 'down' if properties['type'] == 'soldier' and direction == 'left': index = 1 else: index = 0 if 'item' in properties: item = properties['item'] else: item = None if 'id' in properties: id = properties['id'] else: id = None if 'battle' in properties: battle = properties['battle'] else: battle = None if 'state' in properties: sprite_state = properties['state'] else: sprite_state = None x = properties['x'] * 2 y = ((properties['y']) * 2) - 32 sprite_dict = {'oldman': person.Person('oldman', x, y, direction), 'bluedressgirl': person.Person('femalevillager', x, y, direction, 'resting', 1), 'femalewarrior': person.Person('femvillager2', x, y, direction, 'autoresting'), 'devil': person.Person('devil', x, y, 'down', 'autoresting'), 'oldmanbrother': person.Person('oldmanbrother', x, y, direction), 'soldier': person.Person('soldier', x, y, direction, 'resting', index), 'king': person.Person('king', x, y, direction), 'evilwizard': person.Person('evilwizard', x, y, direction), 'treasurechest': person.Chest(x, y, id)} sprite = sprite_dict[properties['type']] if sprite_state: sprite.state = sprite_state if sprite.name == 'oldman': if self.game_data['old man gift'] and not self.game_data['elixir received']: sprite.item = self.game_data['old man gift'] else: sprite.item = item elif sprite.name == 'king': if not self.game_data['talked to king']: sprite.item = self.game_data['king item'] else: sprite.item = item sprite.battle = battle self.assign_dialogue(sprite, properties) self.check_for_opened_chest(sprite) if sprite.name == 'evilwizard' and self.game_data['crown quest']: pass else: sprites.add(sprite) return sprites def assign_dialogue(self, sprite, property_dict): """ Assign dialogue from object property dictionaries in tmx maps to sprites. """ dialogue_list = [] for i in range(int(property_dict['dialogue length'])): dialogue_list.append(property_dict['dialogue'+str(i)]) sprite.dialogue = dialogue_list if sprite.name == 'oldman': quest_in_process_dialogue = ['Hurry to the NorthEast Shores!', 'I do not have much time left.'] if self.game_data['has brother elixir']: if self.game_data['elixir received']: sprite.dialogue = ['My good health is thanks to you.', 'I will be forever in your debt.'] else: sprite.dialogue = ['Thank you for reaching my brother.', 'This ELIXIR will cure my ailment.', 'As a reward, I will teach you a magic spell.', 'Use it wisely.', 'You learned FIRE BLAST.'] elif self.game_data['talked to sick brother']: sprite.dialogue = quest_in_process_dialogue elif not self.game_data['talked to sick brother']: self.reset_dialogue = (sprite, quest_in_process_dialogue) elif sprite.name == 'oldmanbrother': if self.game_data['has brother elixir']: if self.game_data['elixir received']: sprite.dialogue = ['I am glad my brother is doing well.', 'You have a wise and generous spirit.'] else: sprite.dialogue = ['Hurry! There is precious little time.'] elif self.game_data['talked to sick brother']: sprite.dialogue = ['My brother is sick?!?', 'I have not seen him in years. I had no idea he was not well.', 'Quick, take this ELIXIR to him immediately.'] elif sprite.name == 'king': retrieved_crown_dialogue = ['My crown! You recovered my stolen crown!!!', 'I can not believe what I see before my eyes.', 'You are truly a brave and noble warrior.', 'Henceforth, I name thee Grand Protector of this Town!', 'Go forth and be recognized.', 'You are the greatest warrior this world has ever known.'] thank_you_dialogue = ['Thank you for retrieving my crown.', 'My kingdom is forever in your debt.'] if self.game_data['crown quest'] and not self.game_data['delivered crown']: sprite.dialogue = retrieved_crown_dialogue self.game_data['delivered crown'] = True self.reset_dialogue = (sprite, thank_you_dialogue) elif self.game_data['delivered crown']: sprite.dialogue = thank_you_dialogue def check_for_opened_chest(self, sprite): if sprite.name == 'treasurechest': if not self.game_data['treasure{}'.format(sprite.id)]: sprite.dialogue = ['Empty.'] sprite.item = None sprite.index = 1 def make_state_dict(self): """ Make a dictionary of states the level can be in. """ state_dict = {'normal': self.running_normally, 'dialogue': self.handling_dialogue, 'menu': self.goto_menu, 'transition_in': self.transition_in, 'transition_out': self.transition_out} return state_dict def make_level_portals(self): """ Make the portals to switch state. """ portal_group = pg.sprite.Group() for object in self.renderer.tmx_data.getObjects(): properties = object.__dict__ if properties['name'] == 'portal': posx = properties['x'] * 2 posy = (properties['y'] * 2) - 32 new_state = properties['type'] portal_group.add(portal.Portal(posx, posy, new_state)) return portal_group def running_normally(self, surface, keys, current_time): """ Update level normally. """ self.check_for_dialogue() self.player.update(keys, current_time) self.sprites.update(current_time) self.collision_handler.update(keys, current_time) self.check_for_portals() self.check_for_battle() self.dialogue_handler.update(keys, current_time) self.check_for_menu(keys) self.viewport_update() self.draw_level(surface) def check_for_portals(self): """ Check if the player walks into a door, requiring a level change. """ if self.use_portal and not self.done: self.player.location = self.player.get_tile_location() self.update_game_data() self.state = 'transition_out' def check_for_battle(self): """ Check if the flag has been made true, indicating to switch state to a battle. """ if self.switch_to_battle and self.allow_battles and not self.done: self.player.location = self.player.get_tile_location() self.update_game_data() self.next = 'battle' self.state = 'transition_out' def check_for_menu(self, keys): """ Check if player hits enter to go to menu. """ if keys[pg.K_RETURN] and self.allow_input: if self.player.state == 'resting': self.state = 'menu' self.allow_input = False if not keys[pg.K_RETURN]: self.allow_input = True def update_game_data(self): """ Update the persistant game data dictionary. """ self.game_data['last location'] = self.player.location self.game_data['last direction'] = self.player.direction self.game_data['last state'] = self.name self.set_new_start_pos() def set_new_start_pos(self): """ Set new start position based on previous state. """ location = copy.deepcopy(self.game_data['last location']) direction = self.game_data['last direction'] if self.next == 'player menu': pass elif direction == 'up': location[1] += 1 elif direction == 'down': location[1] -= 1 elif direction == 'left': location[0] += 1 elif direction == 'right': location[0] -= 1 def handling_dialogue(self, surface, keys, current_time): """ Update only dialogue boxes. """ self.dialogue_handler.update(keys, current_time) self.draw_level(surface) def goto_menu(self, surface, keys, *args): """ Go to menu screen. """ self.menu_screen.update(surface, keys) self.menu_screen.draw(surface) def check_for_dialogue(self): """ Check if the level needs to freeze. """ if self.dialogue_handler.textbox: self.state = 'dialogue' def transition_out(self, surface, *args): """ Transition level to new scene. """ transition_image = pg.Surface(self.transition_rect.size) transition_image.fill(c.TRANSITION_COLOR) transition_image.set_alpha(self.transition_alpha) self.draw_level(surface) surface.blit(transition_image, self.transition_rect) self.transition_alpha += c.TRANSITION_SPEED if self.transition_alpha >= 255: self.transition_alpha = 255 self.done = True def transition_in(self, surface, *args): """ Transition into level. """ self.viewport_update() transition_image = pg.Surface(self.transition_rect.size) transition_image.fill(c.TRANSITION_COLOR) transition_image.set_alpha(self.transition_alpha) self.draw_level(surface) surface.blit(transition_image, self.transition_rect) self.transition_alpha -= c.TRANSITION_SPEED if self.transition_alpha <= 0: self.state = 'normal' self.transition_alpha = 0 def update(self, surface, keys, current_time): """ Update state. """ state_function = self.state_dict[self.state] state_function(surface, keys, current_time) def viewport_update(self): """ Update viewport so it stays centered on character, unless at edge of map. """ self.viewport.center = self.player.rect.center self.viewport.clamp_ip(self.level_rect) def draw_level(self, surface): """ Blit all images to screen. """ self.level_surface.blit(self.map_image, self.viewport, self.viewport) self.level_surface.blit(self.player.image, self.player.rect) self.sprites.draw(self.level_surface) surface.blit(self.level_surface, (0, 0), self.viewport) self.dialogue_handler.draw(surface)