all repos — NoPaste @ 9069e4673cfe2da0bf258442e97af52d4afe2af1

Resurrected - The fork of NoPaste

index.html (view raw)

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 11        <title>NoPaste - No-database paste service</title>
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 24        <link href="/favicon.ico" rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" />
 25        <meta
 26            name="description"
 27            content="NoPaste is a client-side paste service which works with no database, and no back-end code. The data is stored entirely in the links and nowhere else"
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 67                    <h1 class="title my-0">{ NoPaste }</h1>
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126            <div id="description" class="hidden shadow-bottom p-3">
127                NoPaste is a client-side paste service which works with <b>no database</b>, and
128                <b>no back-end code</b>.<br /><br />
129                Instead, the data is <b>compressed</b> then <b>stored</b> into a unique URL that can be shared and
130                decoded later.<br /><br />
132                As a result, there is no risk of data being lost, censored or deleted. The data is stored entirely
133                <b>in the links</b> and nowhere else!<br /><br />
135                You can find more detailed information on
136                <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">Github</a>
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167                      0.531-1.5 1.609-1.5 2.063v0c0 0.344-0.266 0.75-0.625 0.75h-3.75c-0.344 0-0.562-0.531-0.562-0.875v-0.703c0-1.891
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