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scripts/CodeMirror/mode/dockerfile/dockerfile.js (view raw)

  1// CodeMirror, copyright (c) by Marijn Haverbeke and others
  2// Distributed under an MIT license:
  4(function(mod) {
  5  if (typeof exports == "object" && typeof module == "object") // CommonJS
  6    mod(require("../../lib/codemirror"), require("../../addon/mode/simple"));
  7  else if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd) // AMD
  8    define(["../../lib/codemirror", "../../addon/mode/simple"], mod);
  9  else // Plain browser env
 10    mod(CodeMirror);
 11})(function(CodeMirror) {
 12  "use strict";
 14  var from = "from";
 15  var fromRegex = new RegExp("^(\\s*)\\b(" + from + ")\\b", "i");
 17  var shells = ["run", "cmd", "entrypoint", "shell"];
 18  var shellsAsArrayRegex = new RegExp("^(\\s*)(" + shells.join('|') + ")(\\s+\\[)", "i");
 20  var expose = "expose";
 21  var exposeRegex = new RegExp("^(\\s*)(" + expose + ")(\\s+)", "i");
 23  var others = [
 24    "arg", "from", "maintainer", "label", "env",
 25    "add", "copy", "volume", "user",
 26    "workdir", "onbuild", "stopsignal", "healthcheck", "shell"
 27  ];
 29  // Collect all Dockerfile directives
 30  var instructions = [from, expose].concat(shells).concat(others),
 31      instructionRegex = "(" + instructions.join('|') + ")",
 32      instructionOnlyLine = new RegExp("^(\\s*)" + instructionRegex + "(\\s*)(#.*)?$", "i"),
 33      instructionWithArguments = new RegExp("^(\\s*)" + instructionRegex + "(\\s+)", "i");
 35  CodeMirror.defineSimpleMode("dockerfile", {
 36    start: [
 37      // Block comment: This is a line starting with a comment
 38      {
 39        regex: /^\s*#.*$/,
 40        sol: true,
 41        token: "comment"
 42      },
 43      {
 44        regex: fromRegex,
 45        token: [null, "keyword"],
 46        sol: true,
 47        next: "from"
 48      },
 49      // Highlight an instruction without any arguments (for convenience)
 50      {
 51        regex: instructionOnlyLine,
 52        token: [null, "keyword", null, "error"],
 53        sol: true
 54      },
 55      {
 56        regex: shellsAsArrayRegex,
 57        token: [null, "keyword", null],
 58        sol: true,
 59        next: "array"
 60      },
 61      {
 62        regex: exposeRegex,
 63        token: [null, "keyword", null],
 64        sol: true,
 65        next: "expose"
 66      },
 67      // Highlight an instruction followed by arguments
 68      {
 69        regex: instructionWithArguments,
 70        token: [null, "keyword", null],
 71        sol: true,
 72        next: "arguments"
 73      },
 74      {
 75        regex: /./,
 76        token: null
 77      }
 78    ],
 79    from: [
 80      {
 81        regex: /\s*$/,
 82        token: null,
 83        next: "start"
 84      },
 85      {
 86        // Line comment without instruction arguments is an error
 87        regex: /(\s*)(#.*)$/,
 88        token: [null, "error"],
 89        next: "start"
 90      },
 91      {
 92        regex: /(\s*\S+\s+)(as)/i,
 93        token: [null, "keyword"],
 94        next: "start"
 95      },
 96      // Fail safe return to start
 97      {
 98        token: null,
 99        next: "start"
100      }
101    ],
102    single: [
103      {
104        regex: /(?:[^\\']|\\.)/,
105        token: "string"
106      },
107      {
108        regex: /'/,
109        token: "string",
110        pop: true
111      }
112    ],
113    double: [
114      {
115        regex: /(?:[^\\"]|\\.)/,
116        token: "string"
117      },
118      {
119        regex: /"/,
120        token: "string",
121        pop: true
122      }
123    ],
124    array: [
125      {
126        regex: /\]/,
127        token: null,
128        next: "start"
129      },
130      {
131        regex: /"(?:[^\\"]|\\.)*"?/,
132        token: "string"
133      }
134    ],
135    expose: [
136      {
137        regex: /\d+$/,
138        token: "number",
139        next: "start"
140      },
141      {
142        regex: /[^\d]+$/,
143        token: null,
144        next: "start"
145      },
146      {
147        regex: /\d+/,
148        token: "number"
149      },
150      {
151        regex: /[^\d]+/,
152        token: null
153      },
154      // Fail safe return to start
155      {
156        token: null,
157        next: "start"
158      }
159    ],
160    arguments: [
161      {
162        regex: /^\s*#.*$/,
163        sol: true,
164        token: "comment"
165      },
166      {
167        regex: /"(?:[^\\"]|\\.)*"?$/,
168        token: "string",
169        next: "start"
170      },
171      {
172        regex: /"/,
173        token: "string",
174        push: "double"
175      },
176      {
177        regex: /'(?:[^\\']|\\.)*'?$/,
178        token: "string",
179        next: "start"
180      },
181      {
182        regex: /'/,
183        token: "string",
184        push: "single"
185      },
186      {
187        regex: /[^#"']+[\\`]$/,
188        token: null
189      },
190      {
191        regex: /[^#"']+$/,
192        token: null,
193        next: "start"
194      },
195      {
196        regex: /[^#"']+/,
197        token: null
198      },
199      // Fail safe return to start
200      {
201        token: null,
202        next: "start"
203      }
204    ],
205    meta: {
206      lineComment: "#"
207    }
208  });
210  CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/x-dockerfile", "dockerfile");