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scripts/CodeMirror/mode/jsx/jsx.js (view raw)

  1// CodeMirror, copyright (c) by Marijn Haverbeke and others
  2// Distributed under an MIT license:
  4(function(mod) {
  5  if (typeof exports == "object" && typeof module == "object") // CommonJS
  6    mod(require("../../lib/codemirror"), require("../xml/xml"), require("../javascript/javascript"))
  7  else if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd) // AMD
  8    define(["../../lib/codemirror", "../xml/xml", "../javascript/javascript"], mod)
  9  else // Plain browser env
 10    mod(CodeMirror)
 11})(function(CodeMirror) {
 12  "use strict"
 14  // Depth means the amount of open braces in JS context, in XML
 15  // context 0 means not in tag, 1 means in tag, and 2 means in tag
 16  // and js block comment.
 17  function Context(state, mode, depth, prev) {
 18    this.state = state; this.mode = mode; this.depth = depth; this.prev = prev
 19  }
 21  function copyContext(context) {
 22    return new Context(CodeMirror.copyState(context.mode, context.state),
 23                       context.mode,
 24                       context.depth,
 25                       context.prev && copyContext(context.prev))
 26  }
 28  CodeMirror.defineMode("jsx", function(config, modeConfig) {
 29    var xmlMode = CodeMirror.getMode(config, {name: "xml", allowMissing: true, multilineTagIndentPastTag: false, allowMissingTagName: true})
 30    var jsMode = CodeMirror.getMode(config, modeConfig && modeConfig.base || "javascript")
 32    function flatXMLIndent(state) {
 33      var tagName = state.tagName
 34      state.tagName = null
 35      var result = xmlMode.indent(state, "", "")
 36      state.tagName = tagName
 37      return result
 38    }
 40    function token(stream, state) {
 41      if (state.context.mode == xmlMode)
 42        return xmlToken(stream, state, state.context)
 43      else
 44        return jsToken(stream, state, state.context)
 45    }
 47    function xmlToken(stream, state, cx) {
 48      if (cx.depth == 2) { // Inside a JS /* */ comment
 49        if (stream.match(/^.*?\*\//)) cx.depth = 1
 50        else stream.skipToEnd()
 51        return "comment"
 52      }
 54      if (stream.peek() == "{") {
 55        xmlMode.skipAttribute(cx.state)
 57        var indent = flatXMLIndent(cx.state), xmlContext = cx.state.context
 58        // If JS starts on same line as tag
 59        if (xmlContext && stream.match(/^[^>]*>\s*$/, false)) {
 60          while (xmlContext.prev && !xmlContext.startOfLine)
 61            xmlContext = xmlContext.prev
 62          // If tag starts the line, use XML indentation level
 63          if (xmlContext.startOfLine) indent -= config.indentUnit
 64          // Else use JS indentation level
 65          else if (cx.prev.state.lexical) indent = cx.prev.state.lexical.indented
 66        // Else if inside of tag
 67        } else if (cx.depth == 1) {
 68          indent += config.indentUnit
 69        }
 71        state.context = new Context(CodeMirror.startState(jsMode, indent),
 72                                    jsMode, 0, state.context)
 73        return null
 74      }
 76      if (cx.depth == 1) { // Inside of tag
 77        if (stream.peek() == "<") { // Tag inside of tag
 78          xmlMode.skipAttribute(cx.state)
 79          state.context = new Context(CodeMirror.startState(xmlMode, flatXMLIndent(cx.state)),
 80                                      xmlMode, 0, state.context)
 81          return null
 82        } else if (stream.match("//")) {
 83          stream.skipToEnd()
 84          return "comment"
 85        } else if (stream.match("/*")) {
 86          cx.depth = 2
 87          return token(stream, state)
 88        }
 89      }
 91      var style = xmlMode.token(stream, cx.state), cur = stream.current(), stop
 92      if (/\btag\b/.test(style)) {
 93        if (/>$/.test(cur)) {
 94          if (cx.state.context) cx.depth = 0
 95          else state.context = state.context.prev
 96        } else if (/^</.test(cur)) {
 97          cx.depth = 1
 98        }
 99      } else if (!style && (stop = cur.indexOf("{")) > -1) {
100        stream.backUp(cur.length - stop)
101      }
102      return style
103    }
105    function jsToken(stream, state, cx) {
106      if (stream.peek() == "<" && jsMode.expressionAllowed(stream, cx.state)) {
107        jsMode.skipExpression(cx.state)
108        state.context = new Context(CodeMirror.startState(xmlMode, jsMode.indent(cx.state, "", "")),
109                                    xmlMode, 0, state.context)
110        return null
111      }
113      var style = jsMode.token(stream, cx.state)
114      if (!style && cx.depth != null) {
115        var cur = stream.current()
116        if (cur == "{") {
117          cx.depth++
118        } else if (cur == "}") {
119          if (--cx.depth == 0) state.context = state.context.prev
120        }
121      }
122      return style
123    }
125    return {
126      startState: function() {
127        return {context: new Context(CodeMirror.startState(jsMode), jsMode)}
128      },
130      copyState: function(state) {
131        return {context: copyContext(state.context)}
132      },
134      token: token,
136      indent: function(state, textAfter, fullLine) {
137        return state.context.mode.indent(state.context.state, textAfter, fullLine)
138      },
140      innerMode: function(state) {
141        return state.context
142      }
143    }
144  }, "xml", "javascript")
146  CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/jsx", "jsx")
147  CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/typescript-jsx", {name: "jsx", base: {name: "javascript", typescript: true}})