using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.SceneManagement; using UnityEngine.UI; public class BattleManager : MonoBehaviour { #region Private private int currentTurn = 0; private Fighter currentTarget; private Action currentAction; private float lerpStart; private GameObject player; public BattleUIManager ui; private BadGuy tmpbad; private bool action_output = true; #endregion public Fighter turn; public BadGuy enemy; public int enemyGold; public Inventory enemyItems; public Camera main_camera; public GameMaster gm; enum Status { StartTurn = 0, EnableIO = 1, DisableIO = 3, NextTurn = 5, Wait = 69 } private Status status = Status.Wait; [Header("Fighter Prefabs")] public GameObject p_paladin; public GameObject p_archer; public GameObject p_boxer; public GameObject p_mage; [Header("Enemy Prefabs")] public GameObject p_orc; public GameObject p_mutant; //public GameObject p_enemy1; [Header("Current fighters")] public List fighters; // Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { //inizia la battaglia gm = GameMaster.Instance; ui = GetComponent(); fighters = new List(); Fighter tmpfighter; foreach(Stats s in gm.Party) { //instantiate good guy tmpfighter = instantiateFighter(s.Name, s.Name + "Spawn").GetComponent(); //set current HP and MP tmpfighter.stats = new Stats(s); //check if fighter's already dead if (tmpfighter.stats.HP == 0) { tmpfighter.animator.SetTrigger("Corpse"); tmpfighter.dead = true; } fighters.Add(tmpfighter); } enemy = (BadGuy)instantiateFighter(gm.GetEnemyType(), "EnemySpawn").GetComponent(); fighters.Add(enemy); enemyGold = enemy.goldDrop; enemyItems = enemy.itemsDrop; fighters.Sort(Fighter.SortByAgl); //aspetto che finisca l'animazione e poi vado UI.changeText(ui.status, enemy.stats.Name + " approaches!"); StartCoroutine(waitThenStatus(UI.BattleSpeed, Status.StartTurn)); } private void Update() { #region State Machine switch (status) { case Status.StartTurn: turn = fighters[currentTurn]; //reset defence if (turn.defending) { turn.defending = false; turn.stats.DEF = turn.stats.MaxDEF; } if (turn.dead) { status = Status.NextTurn; } else { //step forward if (action_output) { turnEffect(turn, true); } UI.changeText(ui.status, "It's " + turn + "'s turn."); if (turn is BadGuy) //load AI { //execute AI tmpbad = (BadGuy)turn; UI.changeText(ui.status, tmpbad.Combat_AI()); //wait for animation StartCoroutine(waitThenStatus(UI.BattleSpeed * 2, Status.NextTurn)); } else { //show input UI ui.showAbilities(true); } status = Status.Wait; } break; case Status.DisableIO: UI.changeText(ui.status, AbilityDB.Process(turn, currentAction, currentTarget, true, out action_output)); if (action_output) { StartCoroutine(waitThenStatus(UI.BattleSpeed * 2, Status.NextTurn)); } else { StartCoroutine(waitThenStatus(UI.BattleSpeed * 2, Status.StartTurn)); } status = Status.Wait; break; case Status.NextTurn: if (!turn.dead) { turnEffect(turn, false); } //kill'em foreach (Fighter f in fighters) { if(f.stats.HP == 0 && f.dead == false) { f.animator.SetTrigger("Dead"); f.dead = true; } } //did i lose? if (countGuys(false) == 0) { StartCoroutine(endBattle(UI.BattleSpeed * 5, false)); status = Status.Wait; //wait until scene has changed } else //did i win? if (countGuys(true) == 0) { //start victory animations foreach(Fighter f in getGuys(false)) { f.animator.SetTrigger("Victory"); } StartCoroutine(endBattle(UI.BattleSpeed * 3, true)); status = Status.Wait; } else { //next turn currentTurn++; if (currentTurn == fighters.Count) { currentTurn = 0; } status = Status.StartTurn; } break; } #endregion } public void getInput(Action Action, Fighter Target) { if (status == Status.Wait) { currentAction = Action; currentTarget = Target; status = Status.DisableIO; } } public Fighter[] getGuys(bool bad) { List tmp = new List(); foreach (Fighter figh in fighters) { if ((figh is BadGuy) == bad && !figh.dead) { tmp.Add(figh); } } return tmp.ToArray(); } public int countGuys(bool bad) { int i = 0; foreach (Fighter figh in fighters) { if ((figh is BadGuy) == bad && !figh.dead) { i++; } } return i; } private GameObject instantiateFighter(string type, string spawnPoint) { Transform spot = GameObject.Find(spawnPoint).transform; switch (type) { case "Paladin": if (p_paladin) { return Instantiate(p_paladin, spot.position, spot.rotation); } break; case "Archer": if (p_archer) { return Instantiate(p_archer, spot.position, spot.rotation); } break; case "Boxer": if (p_boxer) { return Instantiate(p_boxer, spot.position, spot.rotation); } break; case "Mage": if (p_mage) { return Instantiate(p_mage, spot.position, spot.rotation); } break; case "Orc": return Instantiate(p_orc, spot.position, spot.rotation); case "Mutant": return Instantiate(p_mutant, spot.position, spot.rotation); default: Debug.Log("Wrong name!"); return null; } return null; } private IEnumerator endBattle(float offset, bool didYouWin) { yield return new WaitForSeconds(offset); if (didYouWin) { ui.showResults(enemy.goldDrop, enemyItems); yield return new WaitForSeconds(offset + 1); gm.EndBattle(true); } else { gm.EndBattle(false); } } private IEnumerator waitThenStatus(float seconds, Status nextStatus) { yield return new WaitForSeconds(seconds); status = nextStatus; } private IEnumerator MoveFromTo(Transform objectToMove, Vector3 a, Vector3 b, float speed) { float step = (speed / (a - b).magnitude) * Time.fixedDeltaTime; float t = 0; while (t <= 1.0f) { t += step; // Goes from 0 to 1, incrementing by step each time objectToMove.position = Vector3.Lerp(a, b, t); // Move objectToMove closer to b yield return new WaitForFixedUpdate(); // Leave the routine and return here in the next frame } objectToMove.position = b; } public void turnEffect(Fighter f, bool onOff) { int distance = 4; if(f is BadGuy) { distance *= -1; } if (!onOff) { distance *= -1; } StartCoroutine(MoveFromTo(f.transform, f.transform.position, f.transform.position + new Vector3(0, 0, distance), 20)); } }