using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; public class Orc : BadGuy { public Orc() { stats = new Stats("Orc"); description = "Dumb and weak, the most pathetic enemy you can think of."; goldDrop = 43; itemsDrop = new Inventory(); itemsDrop.generateItem(new ItemInfo(new Potion(), 1)); //itemsDrop.generateItem(new ItemInfo(new Key(), 1)); dead = defending = false; } public override string Combat_AI() { //attack a random goodGuy Fighter[] temp = GameObject.Find("BattleManager").GetComponent().getGuys(false); bool output; do { return AbilityDB.Process(this, new Attack(), temp[Random.Range(0, temp.Length)], true, out output); } while (output == false); } } //2.16 0 22.9 //0 180 0