This article is more of a memo for myself. Since I often re-install Linux systems, I spend a lot of time doing repetitive tasks and often forget some steps, which leads me to waste even more time figuring out what’s wrong.
These instructions allow you to get a fully functional and modern-looking XFCE desktop on a fresh install of Void Linux (even though they can be adapted to work in any distro).
Initial system update
First thing I tried was to update the system, but the ISO was quite old. I had to update xbps
before anything else:
sudo xbps-install -Su xbps
sudo xbps-install -Su
Avoid session saving
One thing I hate about XFCE is its fixation to save sessions. A lot of times I get my session saved and restored even with all settings turned off.
A quick and easy solution to disable session saving entirely is just to create an empty file in place of the sessions
rm ~/.cache/sessions -rf
touch ~/.cache/sessions
This way, even with everything turned on, XFCE fails create a folder with that name and everything works (or doesn’t, in this case) like a charm.
Change that shell
Your shell is the main tool you use to communicate with your system, so it makes sense to replace bash
with something more modern and feature-rich.
sudo xbps-install -S zsh zsh-completions curl
chsh -s /bin/zsh
curl -fsSL | zsh
Get some good sound quality
I don’t like pulseaudio
. Let’s replace it with pipewire
and wireplumber
xbps-install pipewire wireplumber
mkdir -p /etc/pipewire/pipewire.conf.d
sed '/path.*=.*pipewire-media-session/s/{/#{/' \
/usr/share/pipewire/pipewire.conf > /etc/pipewire/pipewire.conf
echo 'context.exec = [ { path = "/usr/bin/wireplumber" args = "" } ]' \
> /etc/pipewire/pipewire.conf.d/10-wireplumber.conf
ln -s /usr/share/applications/pipewire* /etc/xdg/autostart
xbps-remove pulseaudio alsa-plugins-pulseaudio
Make Firefox more secure
I like Firefox as a browser, but it doesn’t come with sane defaults as far as privacy’s concerned.
First, visit Firefox Profilemaker and create a customized
Then, extract your zip file to the correct destination:
sudo xbps-install zip unzip p7zip xarchiver thunar-archive-plugin
unzip -o ~/Downloads/ -d ~/.mozilla/firefox/xxxx.default-default/
Some useful extensions I always install are:
- Bitwarden, a password manager;
- Decentraleyes, to serve common JS libraries locally;
- I still don’t care about cookies, to hide and auto-reject cookie warnings;
- LibRedirect, a redirector for alternative front-ends;
- SponsorBlock, to skip YouTube sponsorships automagically;
- uBlock Origin, the best ad-blocker.
Customize your DE
Install the last required packages for desktop usability:
sudo xbps-install -S vpm xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin xfce4-clipman-plugin \
xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin xfce4-screenshooter xclip micro neovim mpv yt-dlp
Remove orphaned and cached packages:
sudo xbps-remove -Oo
Now, open XFCE’s Settings Manager and set the following options:
- Appearance → Style → Choose “Adwaita-dark”
- Desktop → Background → <Choose your favorite wallpaper>
- Desktop → Icons → Set “Icon type” to “None”
- Panel → <Customize your panels>
- Screensaver → Disable “Enable Screensaver”
- Text Editor Settings → Enable:
- “Show line numbers”,
- “Highlight matching brackets”,
- “Wrap long lines”
- Window Manager → Style → Button layout → Remove “Shade” button from title bar
- Window Manager → Advanced → Windows snapping → Enable “To other windows”
- Window Manager → Advanced → Wrap workspaces when reaching the screen edge → Disable “With a dragged window”
- Window Manager Tweaks → Cycling → Enable:
- “Cycle through minimized windows in most recently used order”,
- “Cycle through windows on all workspaces”,
- “Raise windows while cycling”
- Window Manager Tweaks → Accessibility → Disable:
- “Raise windows when any mouse button is pressed”,
- “Use mouse wheel on title bar to roll up the window”
- Window Manager Tweaks → Accessibility → Enable “Notify of urgency by making window’s decoration blink”
- Window Manager Tweaks → Compositor → Enable “Show shadows under popup windows”
- Xfce Terminal Settings → General → Scrolling → Set “Scrollbar is” to “Disabled”
- Xfce Terminal Settings → Appearance →
- enable “Use system font”,
- set “Background” to “Transparent background”,
- set Opacity to 0.80;
- Xfce Terminal Settings → Colors → Presets → Choose “Tango”
- Keyboard → Behavior → Enable “Restore num lock state on startup”
Finally, set the following shortcuts:
- Keyboard → Application Shortcuts
Command | Shortcut |
exo-open --launch TerminalEmulator | Super + Return |
xfce4-popup-whiskermenu | Super |
xfce4-screenshooter --clipboard --region | Shift + Super + S |
xfce4-screenshooter --clipboard --window | Super + S |
xfce4-screenshooter --clipboard --fullscreen | Print |
sh -c 'xclip -selection clipboard -t image/png -o > "$HOME/Pictures/$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%T).png"' | Shift + Super + V |
xflock4 | Super + L |
loginctl suspend | Shift + Super + L |