# Variables APP_NAME=disgord COMMIT_HASH=$(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD) BUILD_DIR=dist SRC_DIR=src # Build flags for versioning LDFLAGS=-ldflags "-X github.com/birabittoh/disgord/src/globals.CommitID=$(COMMIT_HASH)" .PHONY: all build test run clean # Default command: build the application all: build # Build the Go application build: @echo "Building $(APP_NAME)..." @mkdir -p $(BUILD_DIR) CGO_ENABLED=0 go build $(LDFLAGS) -trimpath -o $(BUILD_DIR)/$(APP_NAME) # Run tests test: @echo "Running tests..." go test -v ./... # Run the application run: @echo "Running $(APP_NAME)..." go run . # Clean up build artifacts clean: @echo "Cleaning up..." @rm -rf $(BUILD_DIR)