import std.stdio; import std.file; import std.utf : byChar; import std.string; import secured.hash; import secured.symmetric; import std.json; import; //base functions string getFileContent(string filename){ assert(exists(filename)); return cast(string) read(filename.byChar); } ubyte[16] string2MD5(string input){ MD5 md5; md5.start(); md5.put(cast(ubyte[]) input); return md5.finish(); } JSONValue decryptDB(string pw, string filename){ string content = getFileContent(filename); ubyte[] dec; dec = decrypt(string2MD5(pw), cast(ubyte[])content, dec); return parseJSON(cast(string)dec); } void encryptDB(string pw, string content, string filename){ //ubyte[] data = encrypt(string2MD5(pw), cast(ubyte[]) content, null); ubyte[] data = encrypt_ex(string2MD5(pw), cast(ubyte[]) content, null, defaultChunkSize, SymmetricAlgorithm.ChaCha20_Poly1305, KdfAlgorithm.PBKDF2, defaultKdfIterations, defaultSCryptR, defaultSCryptP, HashAlgorithm.SHA2_512); std.file.write(filename, cast(string) data); } void main(){ const string inputFile = "data.db"; //welcome text writeln("Welcome to dpwm.\n"); string temp; JSONValue db; if(exists(inputFile)){ //the file exists, ask for key and test it writeln("DB detected. Please insert your decryption key:"); do { temp = readln.strip; } while(temp == ""); db = decryptDB(temp, inputFile); writeln(db["test"].str); } else { //the file doesn't exist, ask for key and create it writeln("I didn't detect any database, so I will create a new one for you. Please write your encryption key."); do { temp = readln.strip; } while(temp == ""); db = [ "test": "0" ]; encryptDB(temp, db.toString, inputFile); } /* MENU */ int choice; do { writeln("\nEnter a number for what you wish to do:"); writeln("1. Show all passwords in DB (WIP)"); writeln("2. Generate a new password (WIP)"); writeln("3. Add an existing password (WIP)"); writeln("4. Delete a saved password (WIP)"); writeln("0. Exit program"); readf(" %s", &choice); switch(choice){ case 0: //exit writeln("Bye bye!"); break; case 1: writeln(db); break; case 2: break; case 3: break; case 4: break; default: writeln("Please insert a number from the menu!"); } } while(choice != 0); /* END MENU */ } /* JSON EXAMPLES // create a json struct JSONValue jj = [ "language": "D" ]; // rating doesnt exist yet, so use .object to assign jj.object["rating"] = JSONValue(3.5); // create an array to assign to list jj.object["list"] = JSONValue( ["a", "b", "c"] ); // list already exists, so .object optional jj["list"].array ~= JSONValue("D"); */