package telegram import ( "fmt" "regexp" "strings" tgbotapi "" ) type Replacer struct { Regex *regexp.Regexp Format string } const ( parseMode = "markdown" linkMessage = "[🔗](%s) Da %s." regexFlags = "(?i)(?m)" ) var replacers = []Replacer{ { Regex: regexp.MustCompile(regexFlags + `(?:(?:https?:)?\/\/)?(?:(?:www|m)\.)?(?:(?:youtube(?:-nocookie)?\.com|\/(?:[\w\-]+\?v=|embed\/|live\/|v\/|shorts\/)?)([\w\-]+)`), Format: "", }, { Regex: regexp.MustCompile(regexFlags + `https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?twitter\.com\/(?:#!\/)?(.*)\/status(?:es)?\/([^\/\?\s]+)`), Format: "", }, { Regex: regexp.MustCompile(regexFlags + `(?:https?:\/\/)?(?:www\.)?x\.com\/(?:#!\/)?(.*)\/status(?:es)?\/([^\/\?\s]+)`), Format: "", }, { Regex: regexp.MustCompile(regexFlags + `(?:https?:\/\/)?(?:www\.)?instagram\.com\/(reels?|p)\/([\w\-]{11})[\/\?\w=&]*`), Format: "", }, { Regex: regexp.MustCompile(regexFlags + `https?:\/\/(?:(?:www)|(?:vm))?\.?tiktok\.com\/@([\w.]+)\/(?:video)\/(\d{19,})`), Format: "", }, { Regex: regexp.MustCompile(regexFlags + `(?:https?:\/\/)?(?:(?:www)|(?:vm))?\.?tiktok\.com\/(?:t\/)?([\w]{9})\/?`), Format: "", }, } func isInSpoiler(entities []tgbotapi.MessageEntity, offset, length int) bool { for _, s := range entities { if s.Type != "spoiler" { continue } if offset < s.Offset+s.Length && offset+length > s.Offset { return true } } return false } func parseText(text string, entities []tgbotapi.MessageEntity) (links []string) { var rawLinks string runes := []rune(text) // Convert to runes to handle emojis for _, e := range entities { if e.Type == "text_link" { if isInSpoiler(entities, e.Offset, len(e.URL)) { continue } rawLinks += e.URL + "\n" } else if e.Type == "url" { if isInSpoiler(entities, e.Offset, e.Length) { continue } rawLinks += string(runes[e.Offset:e.Offset+e.Length]) + "\n" } } for _, replacer := range replacers { foundMatches := replacer.Regex.FindStringSubmatch(rawLinks) if len(foundMatches) == 0 { continue } captureGroups := foundMatches[1:] var formatArgs []interface{} for _, match := range captureGroups { if match != "" { formatArgs = append(formatArgs, match) } } formatted := fmt.Sprintf(replacer.Format, formatArgs...) links = append(links, formatted) } return links } func getUserMention(user tgbotapi.User) string { var name string if user.UserName == "" { name = strings.TrimSpace(user.FirstName + " " + user.LastName) } else { name = "@" + user.UserName } return fmt.Sprintf("[%s](tg://user?id=%d)", name, user.ID) } func handleLinks(bot *tgbotapi.BotAPI, message *tgbotapi.Message) { links := []string{} if len(message.Entities) > 0 { textLinks := parseText(message.Text, message.Entities) links = append(links, textLinks...) } if len(message.CaptionEntities) > 0 { captionLinks := parseText(message.Caption, message.CaptionEntities) links = append(links, captionLinks...) } if len(links) == 0 { return } user := getUserMention(*message.From) for _, link := range links { text := fmt.Sprintf(linkMessage, link, user) msg := tgbotapi.NewMessage(message.Chat.ID, text) msg.MessageThreadID = message.MessageThreadID msg.ParseMode = parseMode bot.Send(msg) } }