+++ title = "Installing NixOS" date = 2017-05-13 updated = 2019-02-16 +++ Update ------ *Please see [my followup post with NixOS](../installing_nixos_2/index.html) for a far better experience with it* ---------------------------------------- Today I decided to install [NixOS](http://nixos.org/) as a recommendation, a purely functional Linux distribution, since [Xubuntu](https://xubuntu.org/) kept crashing. Here's my journey, and how I managed to install it from a terminal for the first time in my life. Steps aren't hard, but they may not seem obvious at first. * Grab the Live CD, burn it on a USB stick and boot. I recommend using [Etcher](https://etcher.io/). * Type `systemctl start display-manager` and wait.[^1] * Open both the manual and the `konsole`. * Connect to the network using the GUI. * Create the disk partitions by using `fdisk`. You can list them with `fdisk -l`, modify a certain drive with `fdisk /dev/sdX` (for instance, `/dev/sda`) and follow the instructions. To create the file system, use `mkfs.ext4 -L