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1<!DOCTYPE html><html lang=en><head><meta charset=utf-8><meta name=description content="Official Lonami's website"><meta name=viewport content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes"><title> Privado: NoSQL evaluation | Lonami's Blog </title><link rel=stylesheet href=/style.css><body><article><nav class=sections><ul class=left><li><a href=/>lonami's site</a><li><a href=/blog class=selected>blog</a><li><a href=/golb>golb</a></ul><div class=right><a href=><img src=/img/github.svg alt=github></a><a href=/blog/atom.xml><img src=/img/rss.svg alt=rss></a></div></nav><main><h1 class=title>Privado: NoSQL evaluation</h1><div class=time><p>2020-03-16T00:00:35+00:00<p>last updated 2020-03-28T19:22:31+00:00</div><p>This evaluation is based on the criteria for the first delivery described by Trabajos en grupo sobre Bases de Datos NoSQL.<p>I have chosen to evaluate the following people and works:<ul><li>a12: Classmate (username) with Druid.<li>a21: Classmate (username) with Neo4J.</ul><h2 id=classmate-s-evaluation>Classmate’s Evaluation</h2><p><strong>Grading: A.</strong><p>The post evaluated is Bases de datos NoSQL – Apache Druid – Primera entrega.<p>It is a very well-written, complete post, with each section meeting one of the points in the required criteria. The only thing that bothered me a little is the abuse of strong emphasis in the text, which I found quite distracting. However, the content deserves the highest grading.<h2 id=classmate-s-evaluation-1>Classmate’s Evaluation</h2><p><strong>Grading: A.</strong><p>The post evaluated is Bases de datos NoSQL – Neo4j – Primera entrega.<p>Well-written post, although a bit smaller than Classmate’s, but that’s not really an issue. It still talks about everything it should talk and includes photos to go along the text which help. There is no noticeable wrong things in it, so it gets the highest grading as well.</main><footer><div><p>Share your thoughts, or simply come hang with me <a href=><img src=/img/telegram.svg alt=Telegram></a> <a><img src=/img/mail.svg alt=Mail></a></div></footer></article><p class=abyss>Glaze into the abyss… Oh hi there!