{% extends "base.html" %} {% block content %}

BiRabittoh's Site

Welcome to my personal website and blog! I'll try to post here about whatever comes across my mind in a specific moment, so that people may read it when I become famous in 80+ years or so.

About me

Italian male . I have been programming and I love it.

I enjoy art in every form, including video-games, as well as every kind of humor. I usually hang around on Discord while programming stuff I'll probably never actually get finished.

While Italian is my main language, I can read and write perfect English. I'm a fast learner on any kind of programming language as long as it follows human logic.

BiRabittoh comes from the japanese pronunciation of "B-Rabbit", as said in Pandora Hearts, which was the first anime I watched on the internet.

Project contributions

If you're curious about my other projects, feel free to check out my GitHub.


If you use Discord you can add me (Bi-Rabittoh#5566) and chat about anything.

You can also send me an email to andronacomarco@gmail.com and I will try to reply as soon as I can.

{% endblock %}