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1<!DOCTYPE html><html lang=en><head><meta charset=utf-8><meta name=description content="Official Lonami's website"><meta name=viewport content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes"><title> Privado: Final NoSQL evaluation | Lonami's Blog </title><link rel=stylesheet href=/style.css><body><article><nav class=sections><ul class=left><li><a href=/>lonami's site</a><li><a href=/blog class=selected>blog</a><li><a href=/golb>golb</a></ul><div class=right><a href=><img src=/img/github.svg alt=github></a><a href=/blog/atom.xml><img src=/img/rss.svg alt=rss></a></div></nav><main><h1 class=title>Privado: Final NoSQL evaluation</h1><div class=time><p>2020-05-13T00:00:00+00:00<p>last updated 2020-05-14T07:30:08+00:00</div><p>This evaluation is a bit different to my <a href=/blog/ribw/16/nosql-evaluation/>previous one</a> because this time I have been tasked to evaluate the student <code>a(i - 2)</code>, and because I am <code>a = 9</code> that happens to be <code>a(7) =</code> Classmate.<p>Unfortunately for Classmate, the only entry related to NoSQL I have found in their blog is Prima y segunda Actividad: Base de datos NoSQL which does not develop an application as requested for the third entry (as of 14th of May).<p>This means that, instead, I will evaluate <code>a(i - 3)</code> which happens to be <code>a(6) =</code> Classmate and they do have an entry.<h2 id=classmate-s-evaluation>Classmate’s Evaluation</h2><p><strong>Grading: B.</strong><p>The post I have evaluated is BB.DD. NoSQL RethinkDB 3ª Fase. Aplicación.<p>It starts with an introduction, properly explaining what database they have chosen and why, but not what application they will be making.<p>This is detailed just below in the next section, although it’s a bit vague.<p>The next section talks about the Python dependencies that are required, but they never said they would be making a Python application or that we need to install Python!<p>The next section talks about the file structure of the project, and they detail what everything part does, although I have missed some code snippets.<p>The final result is pretty cool and contains many interesting graphs, they provide a download to the source code and list all the relevant references used.<p>Except for a weird «necesario falta» in the text, it’s otherwise well-written, although given the issues above I cannot grade it with the highest score.</main><footer><div><p>Share your thoughts, or simply come hang with me <a href=><img src=/img/telegram.svg alt=Telegram></a> <a><img src=/img/mail.svg alt=Mail></a></div></footer></article><p class=abyss>Glaze into the abyss… Oh hi there!