all repos — groupgardenbot @ 3f2b3ea4ccd06861e8186be49c35a3862512f33b

An extension of the game "botany", originally designed for unix-based systems, to the Telegram Bot API. (view raw)

  1import random, os, time, datetime
  2from Constants import *
  4water_duration = 3_600 * 24 # 86_400s (24h)
  5death_duration = 5 * water_duration
  6stage_factors = (1, 3, 10, 20, 30)
  7indicator_squares = 10
  8mutation_rarity = 1_000_000 # Increase this # to make mutation rarer (chance 1 out of x each second)
  9max_plant_rarity = 256.0
 11class Plant(object):
 12    # This is your plant!
 13    def __init__(self, owner, generation=1):
 14        # Constructor
 15        self.points = 0 # one point per second
 16        self.life_stages = tuple(st * water_duration for st in stage_factors)
 17        self.stage = 0
 18        self.mutation = 0
 19        self.species = random.randint(0, len(species_list) - 1)
 20        self.color = random.randint(0, len(color_list) - 1)
 21 = plant_names[random.randint(0, len(plant_names) - 1)]
 22        self.rarity = self.rarity_check()
 23        self.generation = generation
 24        self.generation_bonus = 1 + (0.2 * (generation - 1))
 25        self.dead = False
 26        self.owner =
 27        self.owner_name = owner.full_name
 28        self.age_days = 0
 29        self.start_time = int(time.time())
 30        self.last_update = self.start_time
 31        self.last_water = self.start_time - water_duration
 32        self.last_water_user =
 33        self.last_water_name = ""
 35    def update(self):
 36        now = int(time.time())
 37        water_delta = now - self.last_water
 38        if water_delta > death_duration:
 39            self.dead = True
 40            return
 41        self.age_days = round((now - self.start_time) / water_duration)
 43        increase = min(water_delta, water_duration) - min(self.last_update - self.last_water, water_duration)
 45        if increase != 0:
 46            self.points += increase
 47            self.mutate_check(increase)
 49        stages = tuple(th / self.generation_bonus for th in self.life_stages) # bonus is applied to stage thresholds
 50        count = 0
 51        closest = None
 52        delta = self.points
 54        for n in stages:
 55            if (n <= delta and (closest is None or (delta - n) < (delta - closest))):
 56                closest = n
 57                count += 1
 59        self.stage = count
 60        self.last_update = now
 62    def parse_plant(self):
 63        # Converts plant data to human-readable format
 64        output = ""
 65        if self.stage >= 3:
 66            output += rarity_list[self.rarity] + " "
 67        if self.mutation != 0:
 68            output += mutation_list[self.mutation] + " "
 69        if self.stage >= 4:
 70            output += color_list[self.color] + " "
 71        output += stage_list[self.stage] + " "
 72        if self.stage >= 2:
 73            output += species_list[self.species] + " "
 74        return output.strip()
 76    def rarity_check(self):
 77        # Generate plant rarity
 78        rare_seed = random.randint(1,max_plant_rarity)
 79        common_range =    round((2.0 / 3) * max_plant_rarity)
 80        uncommon_range =  round((2.0 / 3) * (max_plant_rarity - common_range))
 81        rare_range =      round((2.0 / 3) * (max_plant_rarity - common_range - uncommon_range))
 82        legendary_range = round((2.0 / 3) * (max_plant_rarity - common_range - uncommon_range - rare_range))
 84        common_max = common_range
 85        uncommon_max = common_max + uncommon_range
 86        rare_max = uncommon_max + rare_range
 87        legendary_max = rare_max + legendary_range
 88        godly_max = max_plant_rarity
 90        if 0 <= rare_seed <= common_max:
 91            return 0
 92        elif common_max < rare_seed <= uncommon_max:
 93            return 1
 94        elif uncommon_max < rare_seed <= rare_max:
 95            return 2
 96        elif rare_max < rare_seed <= legendary_max:
 97            return 3
 98        elif legendary_max < rare_seed <= godly_max:
 99            return 4
101    def mutate_check(self, increase):
102        # Create plant mutation
103        mutation_seed = mutation_rarity if increase >= mutation_rarity else random.randint(increase, mutation_rarity)
104        if mutation_seed == mutation_rarity:
105            # mutation gained!
106            mutation = random.randint(0, len(mutation_list) - 1)
107            if self.mutation == 0:
108                self.mutation = mutation
109                return True
110        else:
111            return False
113    def water(self, who):
114        if not self.dead:
115            self.last_water = int(time.time())
116            self.last_water_user =
117            self.last_water_name = who.full_name
119    def start_over(self, owner):
120        next_generation = self.generation if self.dead else self.generation + 1
121        self.__init__(owner, next_generation)
123    def get_water(self):
124        water_delta = int(time.time()) - self.last_water
125        water_left_pct = max(0, 1 - (water_delta/water_duration))
126        water_left = int(round(water_left_pct * indicator_squares))
127        return f"|{water_left * ''}{' ' * (indicator_squares - water_left)}| {str(round(water_left_pct * 100))}%"
129    def get_filename(self):
130        if self.dead == True: return 'rip.txt'
131        if == 10 and == 31: return 'jackolantern.txt'
132        if self.stage == 0: return 'seed.txt'
133        if self.stage == 1: return 'seedling.txt'
134        if self.stage == 2: return species_list[self.species]+'1.txt'
135        if self.stage == 3 or self.stage == 5: return species_list[self.species]+'2.txt'
136        if self.stage == 4: return species_list[self.species]+'3.txt'
137        return "template.txt"
139    def get_art(self):
140        filename = self.get_filename()
141        # Prints ASCII art from file
142        this_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "art")
143        this_filename = os.path.join(this_dir, filename)
144        this_file = open(this_filename,"r")
145        this_string =
146        this_file.close()
147        return this_string
149    def get_description(self):
150        output_text = ""
151        this_species = species_list[self.species]
152        this_color = color_list[self.color]
153        this_stage = self.stage
155        if self.dead:
156            this_stage = 99
157        try:
158            description_num = random.randint(0,len(stage_descriptions[this_stage]) - 1)
159        except KeyError as e:
160            print(e)
161            description_num = 0
162        # If not fully grown
163        if this_stage <= 4:
164            # Growth hint
165            if this_stage >= 1:
166                last_growth_at = self.life_stages[this_stage - 1]
167            else:
168                last_growth_at = 0
169            ticks_since_last = self.points - last_growth_at
170            ticks_between_stage = self.life_stages[this_stage] - last_growth_at
171            if ticks_since_last >= ticks_between_stage * 0.8:
172                output_text += "You notice your plant looks different.\n"
174        output_text += get_stage_description(this_stage, description_num, this_species, this_color) + "\n"
176        # if seedling
177        if this_stage == 1:
178            species_options = [species_list[self.species],
179                    species_list[(self.species + 3) % len(species_list)],
180                    species_list[(self.species - 3) % len(species_list)]]
181            random.shuffle(species_options)
182            output_text += f"It could be a(n) {species_options[0]}, {species_options[1]} or {species_options[2]}.\n"
183        # if young plant
184        if this_stage == 2:
185            if self.rarity >= 2:
186                output_text += "You feel like your plant is special.\n"
187        # if mature plant
188        if this_stage == 3:
189            color_options = [color_list[self.color],
190                    color_list[(self.color + 3) % len(color_list)],
191                    color_list[(self.color - 3) % len(color_list)]]
192            random.shuffle(color_options)
193            output_text += f"You can see the first hints of {color_options[0]}, {color_options[1]}, or {color_options[2]}.\n"
195        return output_text