import random, time, math, datetime, os from Constants import * water_duration = 3600 # * 24 stage_factors = (1, 3, 10, 20, 30) class Plant(object): # This is your plant! def __init__(self, owner, generation=1): # Constructor self.points = 0 # one point per second self.life_stages = tuple(st * water_duration for st in stage_factors) self.stage = 0 self.mutation = 0 self.species = random.randint(0,len(species_list)-1) self.color = random.randint(0,len(color_list)-1) self.rarity = self.rarity_check() self.ticks = 0 self.age_formatted = "0" self.generation = generation self.generation_bonus = 1 + (0.2 * (generation - 1)) self.dead = False self.owner = owner self.start_time = int(time.time()) self.last_time = int(time.time()) self.last_update = int(time.time()) # must water plant first day #self.last_water = int(time.time())-(24*3600)-1 self.last_water = int(time.time()) self.watered_24h = True self.visitors = [] def update(self): # find out stage: self.water_check() if self.dead_check(): # updates self.time_delta_watered return self.stage = find_stage(self) def parse_plant(self): # Converts plant data to human-readable format output = "" if self.stage >= 3: output += rarity_list[self.rarity] + " " if self.mutation != 0: output += mutation_list[self.mutation] + " " if self.stage >= 4: output += color_list[self.color] + " " output += stage_list[self.stage] + " " if self.stage >= 2: output += species_list[self.species] + " " return output.strip() def rarity_check(self): # Generate plant rarity CONST_RARITY_MAX = 256.0 rare_seed = random.randint(1,CONST_RARITY_MAX) common_range = round((2.0/3)*CONST_RARITY_MAX) uncommon_range = round((2.0/3)*(CONST_RARITY_MAX-common_range)) rare_range = round((2.0/3)*(CONST_RARITY_MAX-common_range-uncommon_range)) legendary_range = round((2.0/3)*(CONST_RARITY_MAX-common_range-uncommon_range-rare_range)) common_max = common_range uncommon_max = common_max + uncommon_range rare_max = uncommon_max + rare_range legendary_max = rare_max + legendary_range godly_max = CONST_RARITY_MAX if 0 <= rare_seed <= common_max: return 0 elif common_max < rare_seed <= uncommon_max: return 1 elif uncommon_max < rare_seed <= rare_max: return 2 elif rare_max < rare_seed <= legendary_max: return 3 elif legendary_max < rare_seed <= godly_max: return 4 def dead_check(self): # if it has been >5 days since watering, sorry plant is dead :( self.time_delta_watered = int(time.time()) - self.last_water if self.time_delta_watered > (5 * water_duration): self.dead = True return self.dead def water_check(self): self.time_delta_watered = int(time.time()) - self.last_water if self.time_delta_watered <= (water_duration): if not self.watered_24h: self.watered_24h = True return True else: self.watered_24h = False return False def mutate_check(self): # Create plant mutation # Increase this # to make mutation rarer (chance 1 out of x each second) CONST_MUTATION_RARITY = 20000 mutation_seed = random.randint(1,CONST_MUTATION_RARITY) if mutation_seed == CONST_MUTATION_RARITY: # mutation gained! mutation = random.randint(0,len(self.mutation_list)-1) if self.mutation == 0: self.mutation = mutation return True else: return False def growth(self): # Increase plant growth stage if self.stage < (len(stage_list)-1): self.stage += 1 def water(self): # Increase plant growth stage if not self.dead: self.last_water = int(time.time()) self.watered_24h = True def start_over(self): # After plant reaches final stage, given option to restart # increment generation only if previous stage is final stage and plant # is alive if not self.dead: next_generation = self.generation + 1 else: # Should this reset to 1? Seems unfair.. for now generations will # persist through death. next_generation = self.generation self.kill_plant() self.__init__(self.owner, next_generation) def kill_plant(self): self.dead = True def find_stage(plant: Plant): now = int(time.time()) res1 = min(now - plant.last_water, water_duration) res2 = min(plant.last_update - plant.last_water, water_duration) plant.points += max(0, res1 - res2) # max() not necessary but just in case print("generation bonus: ", plant.generation_bonus, ". increase: ", res1 - res2, "max: ", water_duration) plant.last_update = now stages = tuple(ti / plant.generation_bonus for ti in plant.life_stages) # bonus is applied to stage thresholds count = 0 closest = None delta = plant.points for n in stages: if (n <= delta and (closest is None or (delta - n) < (delta - closest))): closest = n count += 1 print("plant is in stage", count, "because it passed", closest, "seconds of life") return count def get_plant_water(plant: Plant): water_delta = time.time() - plant.last_water water_left_pct = max(0, 1 - (water_delta/water_duration)) # 24h water_left = int(math.ceil(water_left_pct * 10)) return f"{water_left * '🟦'}{'⬛' * (10 - water_left)} {str(int(water_left_pct * 100))}% " def get_plant_description(plant: Plant): output_text = "" this_species = species_list[plant.species] this_color = color_list[plant.color] this_stage = plant.stage if plant.dead: this_stage = 99 try: description_num = random.randint(0,len(stage_descriptions[this_stage]) - 1) except KeyError as e: print(e) description_num = 0 # If not fully grown if this_stage <= 4: # Growth hint if this_stage >= 1: last_growth_at = plant.life_stages[this_stage - 1] else: last_growth_at = 0 ticks_since_last = plant.ticks - last_growth_at ticks_between_stage = plant.life_stages[this_stage] - last_growth_at if ticks_since_last >= ticks_between_stage * 0.8: output_text += "You notice your plant looks different.\n" output_text += get_stage_description(this_stage, description_num, this_species, this_color) + "\n" # if seedling if this_stage == 1: species_options = [species_list[plant.species], species_list[(plant.species+3) % len(species_list)], species_list[(plant.species-3) % len(species_list)]] random.shuffle(species_options) plant_hint = "It could be a(n) " + species_options[0] + ", " + species_options[1] + ", or " + species_options[2] output_text += plant_hint + ".\n" # if young plant if this_stage == 2: if plant.rarity >= 2: rarity_hint = "You feel like your plant is special." output_text += rarity_hint + ".\n" # if mature plant if this_stage == 3: color_options = [color_list[plant.color], color_list[(plant.color+3) % len(color_list)], color_list[(plant.color-3) % len(color_list)]] random.shuffle(color_options) return "You can see the first hints of " + color_options[0] + ", " + color_options[1] + ", or " + color_options[2] return output_text def get_plant_art(plant: Plant): if plant.dead == True: filename = 'rip.txt' elif == 10 and == 31: filename = 'jackolantern.txt' elif plant.stage == 0: filename = 'seed.txt' elif plant.stage == 1: filename = 'seedling.txt' elif plant.stage == 2: filename = plant_art_list[plant.species]+'1.txt' elif plant.stage == 3 or plant.stage == 5: filename = plant_art_list[plant.species]+'2.txt' elif plant.stage == 4: filename = plant_art_list[plant.species]+'3.txt' # Prints ASCII art from file at given coordinates this_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "art") this_filename = os.path.join(this_dir, filename) this_file = open(this_filename,"r") this_string = this_file.close() return this_string def get_plant_info(plant: Plant): return f''' {get_plant_description(plant)} ```{get_plant_art(plant)}``` {plant.parse_plant()} {get_plant_water(plant)} Points: {plant.points} Bonus: x{plant.generation_bonus - 1} '''