markup(:markdown, /md|mkdn?|mdown|markdown/) do |content| end markup(:redcloth, /textile/) do |content| end markup('github/markup/rdoc', /rdoc/) do |content| end command(:rest2html, /rest|rst/) command(:asciidoc2html, /asciidoc/) # pod2html is nice enough to generate a full-on HTML document for us, # so we return the favor by ripping out the good parts. # # Any block passed to `command` will be handed the command's STDOUT for # post processing. command("/usr/bin/env pod2html", /pod/) do |rendered| require 'fileutils' if rendered =~ /\s*(.+)\s*<\/body>/mi FileUtils.rm("pod2htmd.tmp") if File.exists?('pod2htmd.tmp') rescue nil FileUtils.rm("pod2htmi.tmp") if File.exists?('pod2htmi.tmp') rescue nil $1.sub('', '').sub('', '') end end