all repos — markup @ master

The code we use to render README.your_favorite_markup

.kick (view raw)

 1# take control of the growl notifications
 2module GrowlHacks
 3  def growl(type, subject, body, *args, &block)
 4    case type
 5    when Kicker::GROWL_NOTIFICATIONS[:succeeded]
 6      puts subject = "Success"
 7      body = body.split("\n").last
 8    when Kicker::GROWL_NOTIFICATIONS[:failed]
 9      subject = "Failure"
10      puts body
11      body = body.split("\n").last
12    else
13      return nil
14    end
15    super(type, subject, body, *args, &block)
16  end
19Kicker.send :extend, GrowlHacks
21# no logging
22Kicker::Utils.module_eval do
23  def log(message)
24    nil
25  end