/* Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Jeffrey Pfau * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "gui-runner.h" #include "core/core.h" #include "core/serialize.h" #include "feature/gui/gui-config.h" #include "gba/gba.h" #include "gba/input.h" #include "gba/interface.h" #include "util/gui/file-select.h" #include "util/gui/font.h" #include "util/gui/menu.h" #include "util/memory.h" #include "util/png-io.h" #include "util/vfs.h" #ifdef _3DS #include <3ds.h> #endif #include mLOG_DECLARE_CATEGORY(GUI_RUNNER); mLOG_DEFINE_CATEGORY(GUI_RUNNER, "GUI Runner"); #define FPS_GRANULARITY 120 #define FPS_BUFFER_SIZE 3 enum { RUNNER_CONTINUE = 1, RUNNER_EXIT, RUNNER_SAVE_STATE, RUNNER_LOAD_STATE, RUNNER_SCREENSHOT, RUNNER_CONFIG, RUNNER_RESET, RUNNER_COMMAND_MASK = 0xFFFF, RUNNER_STATE_1 = 0x10000, RUNNER_STATE_2 = 0x20000, RUNNER_STATE_3 = 0x30000, RUNNER_STATE_4 = 0x40000, RUNNER_STATE_5 = 0x50000, RUNNER_STATE_6 = 0x60000, RUNNER_STATE_7 = 0x70000, RUNNER_STATE_8 = 0x80000, RUNNER_STATE_9 = 0x90000, }; static const struct mInputPlatformInfo _mGUIKeyInfo = { .platformName = "gui", .keyId = (const char*[GUI_INPUT_MAX]) { "Select", "Back", "Cancel", "Up", "Down", "Left", "Right", [mGUI_INPUT_INCREASE_BRIGHTNESS] = "Increase solar brightness", [mGUI_INPUT_DECREASE_BRIGHTNESS] = "Decrease solar brightness", [mGUI_INPUT_SCREEN_MODE] = "Screen mode", [mGUI_INPUT_SCREENSHOT] = "Take screenshot", [mGUI_INPUT_FAST_FORWARD] = "Fast forward", }, .nKeys = GUI_INPUT_MAX }; static void _log(struct mLogger*, int category, enum mLogLevel level, const char* format, va_list args); static struct mGUILogger { struct mLogger d; struct VFile* vf; int logLevel; } logger = { .d = { .log = _log }, .vf = NULL, .logLevel = 0 }; static void _drawBackground(struct GUIBackground* background, void* context) { UNUSED(context); struct mGUIBackground* gbaBackground = (struct mGUIBackground*) background; if (gbaBackground->p->drawFrame) { gbaBackground->p->drawFrame(gbaBackground->p, true); } } static void _drawState(struct GUIBackground* background, void* id) { struct mGUIBackground* gbaBackground = (struct mGUIBackground*) background; int stateId = ((int) id) >> 16; if (gbaBackground->p->drawScreenshot) { unsigned w, h; gbaBackground->p->core->desiredVideoDimensions(gbaBackground->p->core, &w, &h); if (gbaBackground->screenshot && gbaBackground->screenshotId == (int) id) { gbaBackground->p->drawScreenshot(gbaBackground->p, gbaBackground->screenshot, w, h, true); return; } struct VFile* vf = mCoreGetState(gbaBackground->p->core, stateId, false); color_t* pixels = gbaBackground->screenshot; if (!pixels) { pixels = anonymousMemoryMap(w * h * 4); gbaBackground->screenshot = pixels; } bool success = false; if (vf && isPNG(vf) && pixels) { png_structp png = PNGReadOpen(vf, PNG_HEADER_BYTES); png_infop info = png_create_info_struct(png); png_infop end = png_create_info_struct(png); if (png && info && end) { success = PNGReadHeader(png, info); success = success && PNGReadPixels(png, info, pixels, w, h, w); success = success && PNGReadFooter(png, end); } PNGReadClose(png, info, end); } if (vf) { vf->close(vf); } if (success) { gbaBackground->p->drawScreenshot(gbaBackground->p, pixels, w, h, true); gbaBackground->screenshotId = (int) id; } else if (gbaBackground->p->drawFrame) { gbaBackground->p->drawFrame(gbaBackground->p, true); } } } static void _updateLux(struct GBALuminanceSource* lux) { UNUSED(lux); } static uint8_t _readLux(struct GBALuminanceSource* lux) { struct mGUIRunnerLux* runnerLux = (struct mGUIRunnerLux*) lux; int value = 0x16; if (runnerLux->luxLevel > 0) { value += GBA_LUX_LEVELS[runnerLux->luxLevel - 1]; } return 0xFF - value; } void mGUIInit(struct mGUIRunner* runner, const char* port) { GUIInit(&runner->params); runner->port = port; runner->core = NULL; runner->luminanceSource.d.readLuminance = _readLux; runner->luminanceSource.d.sample = _updateLux; runner->luminanceSource.luxLevel = 0; runner->background.d.draw = _drawBackground; runner->background.p = runner; runner->fps = 0; runner->lastFpsCheck = 0; runner->totalDelta = 0; CircleBufferInit(&runner->fpsBuffer, FPS_BUFFER_SIZE * sizeof(uint32_t)); mInputMapInit(&runner->params.keyMap, &_mGUIKeyInfo); mCoreConfigInit(&runner->config, runner->port); // TODO: Do we need to load more defaults? mCoreConfigSetDefaultIntValue(&runner->config, "volume", 0x100); mCoreConfigSetDefaultValue(&runner->config, "idleOptimization", "detect"); mCoreConfigLoad(&runner->config); char path[PATH_MAX]; mCoreConfigDirectory(path, PATH_MAX); strncat(path, PATH_SEP "log", PATH_MAX - strlen(path)); logger.vf = VFileOpen(path, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_APPEND); mLogSetDefaultLogger(&logger.d); } void mGUIDeinit(struct mGUIRunner* runner) { if (runner->teardown) { runner->teardown(runner); } CircleBufferDeinit(&runner->fpsBuffer); mInputMapDeinit(&runner->params.keyMap); mCoreConfigDeinit(&runner->config); if (logger.vf) { logger.vf->close(logger.vf); logger.vf = NULL; } } static void _log(struct mLogger* logger, int category, enum mLogLevel level, const char* format, va_list args) { struct mGUILogger* guiLogger = (struct mGUILogger*) logger; if (!guiLogger->vf) { return; } if (!(guiLogger->logLevel & level)) { return; } char log[256] = {0}; vsnprintf(log, sizeof(log) - 1, format, args); char log2[256] = {0}; size_t len = snprintf(log2, sizeof(log2) - 1, "%s: %s\n", mLogCategoryName(category), log); if (len >= sizeof(log2)) { len = sizeof(log2) - 1; } guiLogger->vf->write(guiLogger->vf, log2, len); } void mGUIRun(struct mGUIRunner* runner, const char* path) { struct mGUIBackground drawState = { .d = { .draw = _drawState }, .p = runner, .screenshot = 0, .screenshotId = 0 }; struct GUIMenu pauseMenu = { .title = "Game Paused", .index = 0, .background = &runner->background.d }; struct GUIMenu stateSaveMenu = { .title = "Save state", .index = 0, .background = &drawState.d }; struct GUIMenu stateLoadMenu = { .title = "Load state", .index = 0, .background = &drawState.d }; GUIMenuItemListInit(&pauseMenu.items, 0); GUIMenuItemListInit(&stateSaveMenu.items, 9); GUIMenuItemListInit(&stateLoadMenu.items, 9); *GUIMenuItemListAppend(&pauseMenu.items) = (struct GUIMenuItem) { .title = "Unpause", .data = (void*) RUNNER_CONTINUE }; *GUIMenuItemListAppend(&pauseMenu.items) = (struct GUIMenuItem) { .title = "Save state", .submenu = &stateSaveMenu }; *GUIMenuItemListAppend(&pauseMenu.items) = (struct GUIMenuItem) { .title = "Load state", .submenu = &stateLoadMenu }; *GUIMenuItemListAppend(&stateSaveMenu.items) = (struct GUIMenuItem) { .title = "State 1", .data = (void*) (RUNNER_SAVE_STATE | RUNNER_STATE_1) }; *GUIMenuItemListAppend(&stateSaveMenu.items) = (struct GUIMenuItem) { .title = "State 2", .data = (void*) (RUNNER_SAVE_STATE | RUNNER_STATE_2) }; *GUIMenuItemListAppend(&stateSaveMenu.items) = (struct GUIMenuItem) { .title = "State 3", .data = (void*) (RUNNER_SAVE_STATE | RUNNER_STATE_3) }; *GUIMenuItemListAppend(&stateSaveMenu.items) = (struct GUIMenuItem) { .title = "State 4", .data = (void*) (RUNNER_SAVE_STATE | RUNNER_STATE_4) }; *GUIMenuItemListAppend(&stateSaveMenu.items) = (struct GUIMenuItem) { .title = "State 5", .data = (void*) (RUNNER_SAVE_STATE | RUNNER_STATE_5) }; *GUIMenuItemListAppend(&stateSaveMenu.items) = (struct GUIMenuItem) { .title = "State 6", .data = (void*) (RUNNER_SAVE_STATE | RUNNER_STATE_6) }; *GUIMenuItemListAppend(&stateSaveMenu.items) = (struct GUIMenuItem) { .title = "State 7", .data = (void*) (RUNNER_SAVE_STATE | RUNNER_STATE_7) }; *GUIMenuItemListAppend(&stateSaveMenu.items) = (struct GUIMenuItem) { .title = "State 8", .data = (void*) (RUNNER_SAVE_STATE | RUNNER_STATE_8) }; *GUIMenuItemListAppend(&stateSaveMenu.items) = (struct GUIMenuItem) { .title = "State 9", .data = (void*) (RUNNER_SAVE_STATE | RUNNER_STATE_9) }; *GUIMenuItemListAppend(&stateLoadMenu.items) = (struct GUIMenuItem) { .title = "State 1", .data = (void*) (RUNNER_LOAD_STATE | RUNNER_STATE_1) }; *GUIMenuItemListAppend(&stateLoadMenu.items) = (struct GUIMenuItem) { .title = "State 2", .data = (void*) (RUNNER_LOAD_STATE | RUNNER_STATE_2) }; *GUIMenuItemListAppend(&stateLoadMenu.items) = (struct GUIMenuItem) { .title = "State 3", .data = (void*) (RUNNER_LOAD_STATE | RUNNER_STATE_3) }; *GUIMenuItemListAppend(&stateLoadMenu.items) = (struct GUIMenuItem) { .title = "State 4", .data = (void*) (RUNNER_LOAD_STATE | RUNNER_STATE_4) }; *GUIMenuItemListAppend(&stateLoadMenu.items) = (struct GUIMenuItem) { .title = "State 5", .data = (void*) (RUNNER_LOAD_STATE | RUNNER_STATE_5) }; *GUIMenuItemListAppend(&stateLoadMenu.items) = (struct GUIMenuItem) { .title = "State 6", .data = (void*) (RUNNER_LOAD_STATE | RUNNER_STATE_6) }; *GUIMenuItemListAppend(&stateLoadMenu.items) = (struct GUIMenuItem) { .title = "State 7", .data = (void*) (RUNNER_LOAD_STATE | RUNNER_STATE_7) }; *GUIMenuItemListAppend(&stateLoadMenu.items) = (struct GUIMenuItem) { .title = "State 8", .data = (void*) (RUNNER_LOAD_STATE | RUNNER_STATE_8) }; *GUIMenuItemListAppend(&stateLoadMenu.items) = (struct GUIMenuItem) { .title = "State 9", .data = (void*) (RUNNER_LOAD_STATE | RUNNER_STATE_9) }; *GUIMenuItemListAppend(&pauseMenu.items) = (struct GUIMenuItem) { .title = "Take screenshot", .data = (void*) RUNNER_SCREENSHOT }; *GUIMenuItemListAppend(&pauseMenu.items) = (struct GUIMenuItem) { .title = "Configure", .data = (void*) RUNNER_CONFIG }; *GUIMenuItemListAppend(&pauseMenu.items) = (struct GUIMenuItem) { .title = "Reset game", .data = (void*) RUNNER_RESET }; *GUIMenuItemListAppend(&pauseMenu.items) = (struct GUIMenuItem) { .title = "Exit game", .data = (void*) RUNNER_EXIT }; runner->params.drawStart(); if (runner->params.guiPrepare) { runner->params.guiPrepare(); } GUIFontPrint(runner->params.font, runner->params.width / 2, (GUIFontHeight(runner->params.font) + runner->params.height) / 2, GUI_ALIGN_HCENTER, 0xFFFFFFFF, "Loading..."); if (runner->params.guiFinish) { runner->params.guiFinish(); } runner->params.drawEnd(); bool found = false; mLOG(GUI_RUNNER, INFO, "Attempting to load %s", path); runner->core = mCoreFind(path); if (runner->core) { mLOG(GUI_RUNNER, INFO, "Found core"); runner->core->init(runner->core); mInputMapInit(&runner->core->inputMap, &GBAInputInfo); found = mCoreLoadFile(runner->core, path); if (!found) { mLOG(GUI_RUNNER, WARN, "Failed to load %s!", path); runner->core->deinit(runner->core); } } if (!found) { mLOG(GUI_RUNNER, WARN, "Failed to find core for %s!", path); GUIShowMessageBox(&runner->params, GUI_MESSAGE_BOX_OK, 240, "Load failed!"); return; } if (runner->core->platform(runner->core) == PLATFORM_GBA) { ((struct GBA*) runner->core->board)->luminanceSource = &runner->luminanceSource.d; } mLOG(GUI_RUNNER, DEBUG, "Loading config..."); mCoreLoadForeignConfig(runner->core, &runner->config); logger.logLevel = runner->core->opts.logLevel; mLOG(GUI_RUNNER, DEBUG, "Loading save..."); mCoreAutoloadSave(runner->core); if (runner->setup) { mLOG(GUI_RUNNER, DEBUG, "Setting up runner..."); runner->setup(runner); } if (runner->config.port && runner->keySources) { mLOG(GUI_RUNNER, DEBUG, "Loading key sources for %s...", runner->config.port); size_t i; for (i = 0; runner->keySources[i].id; ++i) { mInputMapLoad(&runner->core->inputMap, runner->keySources[i].id, mCoreConfigGetInput(&runner->config)); } } mLOG(GUI_RUNNER, DEBUG, "Reseting..."); runner->core->reset(runner->core); mLOG(GUI_RUNNER, DEBUG, "Reset!"); bool running = true; if (runner->gameLoaded) { runner->gameLoaded(runner); } mLOG(GUI_RUNNER, INFO, "Game starting"); while (running) { CircleBufferClear(&runner->fpsBuffer); runner->totalDelta = 0; runner->fps = 0; struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, 0); runner->lastFpsCheck = 1000000LL * tv.tv_sec + tv.tv_usec; while (true) { #ifdef _3DS running = aptMainLoop(); if (!running) { break; } #endif uint32_t guiKeys; uint32_t heldKeys; GUIPollInput(&runner->params, &guiKeys, &heldKeys); if (guiKeys & (1 << GUI_INPUT_CANCEL)) { break; } if (guiKeys & (1 << mGUI_INPUT_INCREASE_BRIGHTNESS)) { if (runner->luminanceSource.luxLevel < 10) { ++runner->luminanceSource.luxLevel; } } if (guiKeys & (1 << mGUI_INPUT_DECREASE_BRIGHTNESS)) { if (runner->luminanceSource.luxLevel > 0) { --runner->luminanceSource.luxLevel; } } if (guiKeys & (1 << mGUI_INPUT_SCREEN_MODE) && runner->incrementScreenMode) { runner->incrementScreenMode(runner); } if (guiKeys & (1 << mGUI_INPUT_SCREENSHOT)) { mCoreTakeScreenshot(runner->core); } if (heldKeys & (1 << mGUI_INPUT_FAST_FORWARD)) { runner->setFrameLimiter(runner, false); } else { runner->setFrameLimiter(runner, true); } uint16_t keys = runner->pollGameInput(runner); if (runner->prepareForFrame) { runner->prepareForFrame(runner); } runner->core->setKeys(runner->core, keys); runner->core->runFrame(runner->core); if (runner->drawFrame) { int drawFps = false; mCoreConfigGetIntValue(&runner->config, "fpsCounter", &drawFps); runner->params.drawStart(); runner->drawFrame(runner, false); if (drawFps) { if (runner->params.guiPrepare) { runner->params.guiPrepare(); } GUIFontPrintf(runner->params.font, 0, GUIFontHeight(runner->params.font), GUI_ALIGN_LEFT, 0x7FFFFFFF, "%.2f fps", runner->fps); if (runner->params.guiFinish) { runner->params.guiFinish(); } } runner->params.drawEnd(); if (runner->core->frameCounter(runner->core) % FPS_GRANULARITY == 0) { if (drawFps) { struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, 0); uint64_t t = 1000000LL * tv.tv_sec + tv.tv_usec; uint64_t delta = t - runner->lastFpsCheck; runner->lastFpsCheck = t; if (delta > 0x7FFFFFFFLL) { CircleBufferClear(&runner->fpsBuffer); runner->fps = 0; } if (CircleBufferSize(&runner->fpsBuffer) == CircleBufferCapacity(&runner->fpsBuffer)) { int32_t last; CircleBufferRead32(&runner->fpsBuffer, &last); runner->totalDelta -= last; } CircleBufferWrite32(&runner->fpsBuffer, delta); runner->totalDelta += delta; runner->fps = (CircleBufferSize(&runner->fpsBuffer) * FPS_GRANULARITY * 1000000.0f) / (runner->totalDelta * sizeof(uint32_t)); } } } } if (runner->paused) { runner->paused(runner); } GUIInvalidateKeys(&runner->params); uint32_t keys = 0xFFFFFFFF; // Huge hack to avoid an extra variable! struct GUIMenuItem* item; enum GUIMenuExitReason reason = GUIShowMenu(&runner->params, &pauseMenu, &item); if (reason == GUI_MENU_EXIT_ACCEPT) { switch (((int) item->data) & RUNNER_COMMAND_MASK) { case RUNNER_EXIT: running = false; keys = 0; break; case RUNNER_RESET: runner->core->reset(runner->core); break; case RUNNER_SAVE_STATE: mCoreSaveState(runner->core, ((int) item->data) >> 16, SAVESTATE_SCREENSHOT); break; case RUNNER_LOAD_STATE: mCoreLoadState(runner->core, ((int) item->data) >> 16, SAVESTATE_SCREENSHOT); break; case RUNNER_SCREENSHOT: mCoreTakeScreenshot(runner->core); break; case RUNNER_CONFIG: mGUIShowConfig(runner, runner->configExtra, runner->nConfigExtra); break; case RUNNER_CONTINUE: break; } } int frames = 0; GUIPollInput(&runner->params, 0, &keys); while (keys && frames < 30) { ++frames; runner->params.drawStart(); runner->drawFrame(runner, true); runner->params.drawEnd(); GUIPollInput(&runner->params, 0, &keys); } if (runner->unpaused) { runner->unpaused(runner); } } mLOG(GUI_RUNNER, DEBUG, "Shutting down..."); if (runner->gameUnloaded) { runner->gameUnloaded(runner); } mLOG(GUI_RUNNER, DEBUG, "Unloading game..."); runner->core->unloadROM(runner->core); drawState.screenshotId = 0; if (drawState.screenshot) { unsigned w, h; runner->core->desiredVideoDimensions(runner->core, &w, &h); mappedMemoryFree(drawState.screenshot, w * h * 4); } if (runner->config.port) { mLOG(GUI_RUNNER, DEBUG, "Saving key sources..."); if (runner->keySources) { size_t i; for (i = 0; runner->keySources[i].id; ++i) { mInputMapSave(&runner->core->inputMap, runner->keySources[i].id, mCoreConfigGetInput(&runner->config)); mInputMapSave(&runner->params.keyMap, runner->keySources[i].id, mCoreConfigGetInput(&runner->config)); } } mCoreConfigSave(&runner->config); } mInputMapDeinit(&runner->core->inputMap); mLOG(GUI_RUNNER, DEBUG, "Deinitializing core..."); runner->core->deinit(runner->core); GUIMenuItemListDeinit(&pauseMenu.items); GUIMenuItemListDeinit(&stateSaveMenu.items); GUIMenuItemListDeinit(&stateLoadMenu.items); mLOG(GUI_RUNNER, INFO, "Game stopped!"); } void mGUIRunloop(struct mGUIRunner* runner) { if (runner->keySources) { mLOG(GUI_RUNNER, DEBUG, "Loading key sources for %s...", runner->config.port); size_t i; for (i = 0; runner->keySources[i].id; ++i) { mInputMapLoad(&runner->params.keyMap, runner->keySources[i].id, mCoreConfigGetInput(&runner->config)); } } while (true) { char path[PATH_MAX]; if (!GUISelectFile(&runner->params, path, sizeof(path), 0)) { break; } mGUIRun(runner, path); } }