/* Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Jeffrey Pfau * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "util/gui/font.h" #include "util/gui/font-metrics.h" #include "util/png-io.h" #include "util/vfs.h" #include "icons.h" #include "ctr-gpu.h" #define CELL_HEIGHT 16 #define CELL_WIDTH 16 #define FONT_SIZE 0.52f struct GUIFont { C3D_Tex* sheets; C3D_Tex icons; }; struct GUIFont* GUIFontCreate(void) { fontEnsureMapped(); struct GUIFont* guiFont = malloc(sizeof(struct GUIFont)); if (!guiFont) { return 0; } C3D_Tex* tex; TGLP_s* glyphInfo = fontGetGlyphInfo(); guiFont->sheets = malloc(sizeof(*guiFont->sheets) * glyphInfo->nSheets); int i; for (i = 0; i < glyphInfo->nSheets; ++i) { tex = &guiFont->sheets[i]; tex->data = fontGetGlyphSheetTex(i); tex->fmt = glyphInfo->sheetFmt; tex->size = glyphInfo->sheetSize; tex->width = glyphInfo->sheetWidth; tex->height = glyphInfo->sheetHeight; tex->param = GPU_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER(GPU_LINEAR) | GPU_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER(GPU_LINEAR) | GPU_TEXTURE_WRAP_S(GPU_CLAMP_TO_EDGE) | GPU_TEXTURE_WRAP_T(GPU_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); } tex = &guiFont->icons; C3D_TexInitVRAM(tex, 256, 64, GPU_RGBA5551); GSPGPU_FlushDataCache(icons, icons_size); GX_RequestDma((u32*) icons, tex->data, icons_size); gspWaitForDMA(); return guiFont; } void GUIFontDestroy(struct GUIFont* font) { free(font->sheets); C3D_TexDelete(&font->icons); free(font); } unsigned GUIFontHeight(const struct GUIFont* font) { UNUSED(font); return fontGetInfo()->lineFeed * FONT_SIZE; } unsigned GUIFontGlyphWidth(const struct GUIFont* font, uint32_t glyph) { UNUSED(font); int index = fontGlyphIndexFromCodePoint(glyph); charWidthInfo_s* info = fontGetCharWidthInfo(index); if (info) { return info->charWidth * FONT_SIZE; } return 0; } void GUIFontIconMetrics(const struct GUIFont* font, enum GUIIcon icon, unsigned* w, unsigned* h) { UNUSED(font); if (icon >= GUI_ICON_MAX) { if (w) { *w = 0; } if (h) { *h = 0; } } else { if (w) { *w = defaultIconMetrics[icon].width; } if (h) { *h = defaultIconMetrics[icon].height; } } } void GUIFontDrawGlyph(const struct GUIFont* font, int glyph_x, int glyph_y, uint32_t color, uint32_t glyph) { int index = fontGlyphIndexFromCodePoint(glyph); fontGlyphPos_s data; fontCalcGlyphPos(&data, index, 0, 1.0, 1.0); C3D_Tex* tex = &font->sheets[data.sheetIndex]; ctrActivateTexture(tex); float width = data.texcoord.right - data.texcoord.left; float height = data.texcoord.top - data.texcoord.bottom; u16 x = glyph_x; u16 y = glyph_y + tex->height * height / 8; u16 u = tex->width * data.texcoord.left; u16 v = tex->height * data.texcoord.bottom; ctrAddRectEx(color, x, y, tex->width * width * FONT_SIZE, tex->height * height * -FONT_SIZE, u, v, tex->width * width, tex->height * height, 0); } void GUIFontDrawIcon(const struct GUIFont* font, int x, int y, enum GUIAlignment align, enum GUIOrientation orient, uint32_t color, enum GUIIcon icon) { ctrActivateTexture(&font->icons); if (icon >= GUI_ICON_MAX) { return; } struct GUIIconMetric metric = defaultIconMetrics[icon]; switch (align & GUI_ALIGN_HCENTER) { case GUI_ALIGN_HCENTER: x -= metric.width / 2; break; case GUI_ALIGN_RIGHT: x -= metric.width; break; } switch (align & GUI_ALIGN_VCENTER) { case GUI_ALIGN_VCENTER: y -= metric.height / 2; break; case GUI_ALIGN_BOTTOM: y -= metric.height; break; } switch (orient) { case GUI_ORIENT_HMIRROR: ctrAddRectEx(color, x + metric.width, y, -metric.width, metric.height, metric.x, metric.y, metric.width, metric.height, 0); break; case GUI_ORIENT_VMIRROR: ctrAddRectEx(color, x, y + metric.height, metric.width, -metric.height, metric.x, metric.y, metric.width, metric.height, 0); break; case GUI_ORIENT_0: default: // TODO: Rotation ctrAddRect(color, x, y, metric.x, metric.y, metric.width, metric.height); break; } } void GUIFontDrawIconSize(const struct GUIFont* font, int x, int y, int w, int h, uint32_t color, enum GUIIcon icon) { ctrActivateTexture(&font->icons); if (icon >= GUI_ICON_MAX) { return; } struct GUIIconMetric metric = defaultIconMetrics[icon]; ctrAddRectEx(color, x, y, w ? w : metric.width, h ? h : metric.height, metric.x, metric.y, metric.width, metric.height, 0); }