/* Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Jeffrey Pfau * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "psp2-context.h" #include "core/core.h" #ifdef M_CORE_GBA #include "gba/gba.h" #endif #ifdef M_CORE_GB #include "gb/gb.h" #endif #include "feature/gui/gui-runner.h" #include "gba/input.h" #include "util/memory.h" #include "util/circle-buffer.h" #include "util/ring-fifo.h" #include "util/threading.h" #include "util/vfs.h" #include "platform/psp2/sce-vfs.h" #include "third-party/blip_buf/blip_buf.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define RUMBLE_PWM 8 static enum ScreenMode { SM_BACKDROP, SM_PLAIN, SM_FULL, SM_ASPECT, SM_MAX } screenMode; static void* outputBuffer; static vita2d_texture* tex; static vita2d_texture* screenshot; static Thread audioThread; static struct mSceRotationSource { struct mRotationSource d; struct SceMotionSensorState state; } rotation; static struct mSceRumble { struct mRumble d; struct CircleBuffer history; int current; } rumble; bool frameLimiter = true; extern const uint8_t _binary_backdrop_png_start[]; static vita2d_texture* backdrop = 0; #define PSP2_SAMPLES 128 #define PSP2_AUDIO_BUFFER_SIZE (PSP2_SAMPLES * 40) static struct mPSP2AudioContext { struct RingFIFO buffer; size_t samples; Mutex mutex; Condition cond; bool running; } audioContext; void mPSP2MapKey(struct mInputMap* map, int pspKey, int key) { mInputBindKey(map, PSP2_INPUT, __builtin_ctz(pspKey), key); } static THREAD_ENTRY _audioThread(void* context) { struct mPSP2AudioContext* audio = (struct mPSP2AudioContext*) context; int audioPort = sceAudioOutOpenPort(SCE_AUDIO_OUT_PORT_TYPE_MAIN, PSP2_SAMPLES, 48000, SCE_AUDIO_OUT_MODE_STEREO); while (audio->running) { MutexLock(&audio->mutex); int len = audio->samples; if (len > PSP2_SAMPLES) { len = PSP2_SAMPLES; } struct GBAStereoSample* buffer = audio->buffer.readPtr; RingFIFORead(&audio->buffer, NULL, len * 4); audio->samples -= len; ConditionWake(&audio->cond); MutexUnlock(&audio->mutex); sceAudioOutOutput(audioPort, buffer); MutexLock(&audio->mutex); if (audio->samples < PSP2_SAMPLES) { ConditionWait(&audio->cond, &audio->mutex); } MutexUnlock(&audio->mutex); } sceAudioOutReleasePort(audioPort); return 0; } static void _sampleRotation(struct mRotationSource* source) { struct mSceRotationSource* rotation = (struct mSceRotationSource*) source; sceMotionGetSensorState(&rotation->state, 1); } static int32_t _readTiltX(struct mRotationSource* source) { struct mSceRotationSource* rotation = (struct mSceRotationSource*) source; return rotation->state.accelerometer.x * 0x30000000; } static int32_t _readTiltY(struct mRotationSource* source) { struct mSceRotationSource* rotation = (struct mSceRotationSource*) source; return rotation->state.accelerometer.y * -0x30000000; } static int32_t _readGyroZ(struct mRotationSource* source) { struct mSceRotationSource* rotation = (struct mSceRotationSource*) source; return rotation->state.gyro.z * -0x10000000; } static void _setRumble(struct mRumble* source, int enable) { struct mSceRumble* rumble = (struct mSceRumble*) source; rumble->current += enable; if (CircleBufferSize(&rumble->history) == RUMBLE_PWM) { int8_t oldLevel; CircleBufferRead8(&rumble->history, &oldLevel); rumble->current -= oldLevel; } CircleBufferWrite8(&rumble->history, enable); struct SceCtrlActuator state = { rumble->current * 31, 0 }; sceCtrlSetActuator(1, &state); } uint16_t mPSP2PollInput(struct mGUIRunner* runner) { SceCtrlData pad; sceCtrlPeekBufferPositive(0, &pad, 1); int activeKeys = mInputMapKeyBits(&runner->core->inputMap, PSP2_INPUT, pad.buttons, 0); int angles = mInputMapAxis(&runner->core->inputMap, PSP2_INPUT, 0, pad.ly); if (angles != GBA_KEY_NONE) { activeKeys |= 1 << angles; } angles = mInputMapAxis(&runner->core->inputMap, PSP2_INPUT, 1, pad.lx); if (angles != GBA_KEY_NONE) { activeKeys |= 1 << angles; } angles = mInputMapAxis(&runner->core->inputMap, PSP2_INPUT, 2, pad.ry); if (angles != GBA_KEY_NONE) { activeKeys |= 1 << angles; } angles = mInputMapAxis(&runner->core->inputMap, PSP2_INPUT, 3, pad.rx); if (angles != GBA_KEY_NONE) { activeKeys |= 1 << angles; } return activeKeys; } void mPSP2SetFrameLimiter(struct mGUIRunner* runner, bool limit) { UNUSED(runner); frameLimiter = limit; } void mPSP2Setup(struct mGUIRunner* runner) { mCoreConfigSetDefaultIntValue(&runner->config, "threadedVideo", 1); mCoreLoadForeignConfig(runner->core, &runner->config); scePowerSetArmClockFrequency(333); mPSP2MapKey(&runner->core->inputMap, SCE_CTRL_CROSS, GBA_KEY_A); mPSP2MapKey(&runner->core->inputMap, SCE_CTRL_CIRCLE, GBA_KEY_B); mPSP2MapKey(&runner->core->inputMap, SCE_CTRL_START, GBA_KEY_START); mPSP2MapKey(&runner->core->inputMap, SCE_CTRL_SELECT, GBA_KEY_SELECT); mPSP2MapKey(&runner->core->inputMap, SCE_CTRL_UP, GBA_KEY_UP); mPSP2MapKey(&runner->core->inputMap, SCE_CTRL_DOWN, GBA_KEY_DOWN); mPSP2MapKey(&runner->core->inputMap, SCE_CTRL_LEFT, GBA_KEY_LEFT); mPSP2MapKey(&runner->core->inputMap, SCE_CTRL_RIGHT, GBA_KEY_RIGHT); mPSP2MapKey(&runner->core->inputMap, SCE_CTRL_LTRIGGER, GBA_KEY_L); mPSP2MapKey(&runner->core->inputMap, SCE_CTRL_RTRIGGER, GBA_KEY_R); struct mInputAxis desc = { GBA_KEY_DOWN, GBA_KEY_UP, 192, 64 }; mInputBindAxis(&runner->core->inputMap, PSP2_INPUT, 0, &desc); desc = (struct mInputAxis) { GBA_KEY_RIGHT, GBA_KEY_LEFT, 192, 64 }; mInputBindAxis(&runner->core->inputMap, PSP2_INPUT, 1, &desc); tex = vita2d_create_empty_texture_format(256, 256, SCE_GXM_TEXTURE_FORMAT_X8U8U8U8_1BGR); screenshot = vita2d_create_empty_texture_format(256, 256, SCE_GXM_TEXTURE_FORMAT_X8U8U8U8_1BGR); outputBuffer = vita2d_texture_get_datap(tex); runner->core->setVideoBuffer(runner->core, outputBuffer, 256); rotation.d.sample = _sampleRotation; rotation.d.readTiltX = _readTiltX; rotation.d.readTiltY = _readTiltY; rotation.d.readGyroZ = _readGyroZ; runner->core->setRotation(runner->core, &rotation.d); rumble.d.setRumble = _setRumble; CircleBufferInit(&rumble.history, RUMBLE_PWM); runner->core->setRumble(runner->core, &rumble.d); frameLimiter = true; backdrop = vita2d_load_PNG_buffer(_binary_backdrop_png_start); unsigned mode; if (mCoreConfigGetUIntValue(&runner->config, "screenMode", &mode) && mode < SM_MAX) { screenMode = mode; } } void mPSP2LoadROM(struct mGUIRunner* runner) { scePowerSetArmClockFrequency(444); float rate = 60.0f / 1.001f; sceDisplayGetRefreshRate(&rate); double ratio = GBAAudioCalculateRatio(1, rate, 1); blip_set_rates(runner->core->getAudioChannel(runner->core, 0), runner->core->frequency(runner->core), 48000 * ratio); blip_set_rates(runner->core->getAudioChannel(runner->core, 1), runner->core->frequency(runner->core), 48000 * ratio); switch (runner->core->platform(runner->core)) { #ifdef M_CORE_GBA case PLATFORM_GBA: if (((struct GBA*) runner->core->board)->memory.hw.devices & (HW_TILT | HW_GYRO)) { sceMotionStartSampling(); } break; #endif #ifdef M_CORE_GB case PLATFORM_GB: if (((struct GB*) runner->core->board)->memory.mbcType == GB_MBC7) { sceMotionStartSampling(); } break; #endif default: break; } RingFIFOInit(&audioContext.buffer, PSP2_AUDIO_BUFFER_SIZE * sizeof(struct GBAStereoSample)); MutexInit(&audioContext.mutex); ConditionInit(&audioContext.cond); audioContext.running = true; ThreadCreate(&audioThread, _audioThread, &audioContext); } void mPSP2PrepareForFrame(struct mGUIRunner* runner) { int nSamples = 0; while (blip_samples_avail(runner->core->getAudioChannel(runner->core, 0)) >= PSP2_SAMPLES) { struct GBAStereoSample* samples = audioContext.buffer.writePtr; if (nSamples > (PSP2_AUDIO_BUFFER_SIZE >> 2) + (PSP2_AUDIO_BUFFER_SIZE >> 1)) { // * 0.75 if (!frameLimiter) { blip_clear(runner->core->getAudioChannel(runner->core, 0)); blip_clear(runner->core->getAudioChannel(runner->core, 1)); break; } sceKernelDelayThread(400); } blip_read_samples(runner->core->getAudioChannel(runner->core, 0), &samples[0].left, PSP2_SAMPLES, true); blip_read_samples(runner->core->getAudioChannel(runner->core, 1), &samples[0].right, PSP2_SAMPLES, true); while (!RingFIFOWrite(&audioContext.buffer, NULL, PSP2_SAMPLES * 4)) { ConditionWake(&audioContext.cond); // Spinloooooooop! } MutexLock(&audioContext.mutex); audioContext.samples += PSP2_SAMPLES; nSamples = audioContext.samples; ConditionWake(&audioContext.cond); MutexUnlock(&audioContext.mutex); } } void mPSP2UnloadROM(struct mGUIRunner* runner) { switch (runner->core->platform(runner->core)) { #ifdef M_CORE_GBA case PLATFORM_GBA: if (((struct GBA*) runner->core->board)->memory.hw.devices & (HW_TILT | HW_GYRO)) { sceMotionStopSampling(); } break; #endif #ifdef M_CORE_GB case PLATFORM_GB: if (((struct GB*) runner->core->board)->memory.mbcType == GB_MBC7) { sceMotionStopSampling(); } break; #endif default: break; } scePowerSetArmClockFrequency(333); } void mPSP2Paused(struct mGUIRunner* runner) { UNUSED(runner); struct SceCtrlActuator state = { 0, 0 }; sceCtrlSetActuator(1, &state); frameLimiter = true; } void mPSP2Unpaused(struct mGUIRunner* runner) { unsigned mode; if (mCoreConfigGetUIntValue(&runner->config, "screenMode", &mode) && mode != screenMode) { screenMode = mode; } } void mPSP2Teardown(struct mGUIRunner* runner) { CircleBufferDeinit(&rumble.history); vita2d_free_texture(tex); vita2d_free_texture(screenshot); frameLimiter = true; } void _drawTex(vita2d_texture* t, unsigned width, unsigned height, bool faded) { unsigned w = width; unsigned h = height; // Get greatest common divisor while (w != 0) { int temp = h % w; h = w; w = temp; } int gcd = h; int aspectw = width / gcd; int aspecth = height / gcd; float scalex; float scaley; switch (screenMode) { case SM_BACKDROP: default: vita2d_draw_texture_tint(backdrop, 0, 0, (faded ? 0 : 0xC0000000) | 0x3FFFFFFF); // Fall through case SM_PLAIN: w = 960 / width; h = 544 / height; if (w * height > 544) { scalex = h; w = width * h; h = height * h; } else { scalex = w; w = width * w; h = height * w; } scaley = scalex; break; case SM_ASPECT: w = 960 / aspectw; h = 544 / aspecth; if (w * aspecth > 544) { w = aspectw * h; h = aspecth * h; } else { w = aspectw * w; h = aspecth * w; } scalex = w / (float) width; scaley = scalex; break; case SM_FULL: w = 960; h = 544; scalex = 960.0f / width; scaley = 544.0f / height; break; } vita2d_draw_texture_tint_part_scale(t, (960.0f - w) / 2.0f, (544.0f - h) / 2.0f, 0, 0, width, height, scalex, scaley, (faded ? 0 : 0xC0000000) | 0x3FFFFFFF); } void mPSP2Draw(struct mGUIRunner* runner, bool faded) { unsigned width, height; runner->core->desiredVideoDimensions(runner->core, &width, &height); _drawTex(tex, width, height, faded); } void mPSP2DrawScreenshot(struct mGUIRunner* runner, const uint32_t* pixels, unsigned width, unsigned height, bool faded) { UNUSED(runner); uint32_t* texpixels = vita2d_texture_get_datap(screenshot); int y; for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) { memcpy(&texpixels[256 * y], &pixels[width * y], width * 4); } _drawTex(screenshot, width, height, faded); } void mPSP2IncrementScreenMode(struct mGUIRunner* runner) { screenMode = (screenMode + 1) % SM_MAX; mCoreConfigSetUIntValue(&runner->config, "screenMode", screenMode); } __attribute__((noreturn, weak)) void __assert_func(const char* file, int line, const char* func, const char* expr) { printf("ASSERT FAILED: %s in %s at %s:%i\n", expr, func, file, line); exit(1); }