/* Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Jeffrey Pfau * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "GBAKeyEditor.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "InputController.h" #include "KeyEditor.h" #ifdef BUILD_SDL extern "C" { #include "platform/sdl/sdl-events.h" } #endif using namespace QGBA; const qreal GBAKeyEditor::DPAD_CENTER_X = 0.247; const qreal GBAKeyEditor::DPAD_CENTER_Y = 0.432; const qreal GBAKeyEditor::DPAD_WIDTH = 0.12; const qreal GBAKeyEditor::DPAD_HEIGHT = 0.12; GBAKeyEditor::GBAKeyEditor(InputController* controller, int type, const QString& profile, QWidget* parent) : QWidget(parent) , m_profileSelect(nullptr) , m_clear(nullptr) , m_type(type) , m_profile(profile) , m_controller(controller) { setWindowFlags(windowFlags() & ~Qt::WindowFullscreenButtonHint); setMinimumSize(300, 300); const mInputMap* map = controller->map(); controller->stealFocus(this); m_keyDU = new KeyEditor(this); m_keyDD = new KeyEditor(this); m_keyDL = new KeyEditor(this); m_keyDR = new KeyEditor(this); m_keySelect = new KeyEditor(this); m_keyStart = new KeyEditor(this); m_keyA = new KeyEditor(this); m_keyB = new KeyEditor(this); m_keyL = new KeyEditor(this); m_keyR = new KeyEditor(this); refresh(); #ifdef BUILD_SDL if (type == SDL_BINDING_BUTTON) { m_profileSelect = new QComboBox(this); connect(m_profileSelect, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(selectGamepad(int))); updateJoysticks(); m_clear = new QWidget(this); QHBoxLayout* layout = new QHBoxLayout; m_clear->setLayout(layout); layout->setSpacing(6); QPushButton* clearButton = new QPushButton(tr("Clear Button")); layout->addWidget(clearButton); connect(clearButton, &QAbstractButton::pressed, [this]() { if (!findFocus()) { return; } bool signalsBlocked = (*m_currentKey)->blockSignals(true); (*m_currentKey)->clearButton(); (*m_currentKey)->blockSignals(signalsBlocked); }); QPushButton* clearAxis = new QPushButton(tr("Clear Analog")); layout->addWidget(clearAxis); connect(clearAxis, &QAbstractButton::pressed, [this]() { if (!findFocus()) { return; } bool signalsBlocked = (*m_currentKey)->blockSignals(true); (*m_currentKey)->clearAxis(); (*m_currentKey)->blockSignals(signalsBlocked); }); QPushButton* updateJoysticksButton = new QPushButton(tr("Refresh")); layout->addWidget(updateJoysticksButton); connect(updateJoysticksButton, SIGNAL(pressed()), this, SLOT(updateJoysticks())); } #endif m_buttons = new QWidget(this); QVBoxLayout* layout = new QVBoxLayout; m_buttons->setLayout(layout); QPushButton* setAll = new QPushButton(tr("Set all")); connect(setAll, SIGNAL(pressed()), this, SLOT(setAll())); layout->addWidget(setAll); layout->setSpacing(6); m_keyOrder = QList{ m_keyDU, m_keyDR, m_keyDD, m_keyDL, m_keyA, m_keyB, m_keySelect, m_keyStart, m_keyL, m_keyR }; for (auto& key : m_keyOrder) { connect(key, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setNext())); connect(key, SIGNAL(axisChanged(int, int)), this, SLOT(setNext())); key->installEventFilter(this); } m_currentKey = m_keyOrder.end(); m_background.load(":/res/keymap.qpic"); setAll->setFocus(); } GBAKeyEditor::~GBAKeyEditor() { m_controller->releaseFocus(this); } void GBAKeyEditor::setAll() { m_currentKey = m_keyOrder.begin(); (*m_currentKey)->setFocus(); } void GBAKeyEditor::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* event) { setLocation(m_buttons, 0.5, 0.2); setLocation(m_keyDU, DPAD_CENTER_X, DPAD_CENTER_Y - DPAD_HEIGHT); setLocation(m_keyDD, DPAD_CENTER_X, DPAD_CENTER_Y + DPAD_HEIGHT); setLocation(m_keyDL, DPAD_CENTER_X - DPAD_WIDTH, DPAD_CENTER_Y); setLocation(m_keyDR, DPAD_CENTER_X + DPAD_WIDTH, DPAD_CENTER_Y); setLocation(m_keySelect, 0.415, 0.93); setLocation(m_keyStart, 0.585, 0.93); setLocation(m_keyA, 0.826, 0.475); setLocation(m_keyB, 0.667, 0.514); setLocation(m_keyL, 0.1, 0.1); setLocation(m_keyR, 0.9, 0.1); if (m_profileSelect) { setLocation(m_profileSelect, 0.5, 0.67); } if (m_clear) { setLocation(m_clear, 0.5, 0.77); } } void GBAKeyEditor::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* event) { QPainter painter(this); painter.scale(width() / 480.0, height() / 480.0); painter.drawPicture(0, 0, m_background); } void GBAKeyEditor::closeEvent(QCloseEvent*) { m_controller->releaseFocus(this); } bool GBAKeyEditor::event(QEvent* event) { QEvent::Type type = event->type(); if (type == QEvent::WindowActivate || type == QEvent::Show) { m_controller->stealFocus(this); } else if (type == QEvent::WindowDeactivate || type == QEvent::Hide) { m_controller->releaseFocus(this); } return QWidget::event(event); } bool GBAKeyEditor::eventFilter(QObject* obj, QEvent* event) { if (event->type() != QEvent::FocusIn) { return false; } findFocus(static_cast(obj)); return true; } void GBAKeyEditor::setNext() { if (m_currentKey == m_keyOrder.end()) { return; } ++m_currentKey; if (m_currentKey != m_keyOrder.end()) { (*m_currentKey)->setFocus(); } else { (*(m_currentKey - 1))->clearFocus(); } } void GBAKeyEditor::save() { #ifdef BUILD_SDL m_controller->unbindAllAxes(m_type); #endif bindKey(m_keyDU, GBA_KEY_UP); bindKey(m_keyDD, GBA_KEY_DOWN); bindKey(m_keyDL, GBA_KEY_LEFT); bindKey(m_keyDR, GBA_KEY_RIGHT); bindKey(m_keySelect, GBA_KEY_SELECT); bindKey(m_keyStart, GBA_KEY_START); bindKey(m_keyA, GBA_KEY_A); bindKey(m_keyB, GBA_KEY_B); bindKey(m_keyL, GBA_KEY_L); bindKey(m_keyR, GBA_KEY_R); m_controller->saveConfiguration(m_type); #ifdef BUILD_SDL if (m_profileSelect) { m_controller->setPreferredGamepad(m_type, m_profileSelect->currentText()); } #endif if (!m_profile.isNull()) { m_controller->saveProfile(m_type, m_profile); } } void GBAKeyEditor::refresh() { const mInputMap* map = m_controller->map(); lookupBinding(map, m_keyDU, GBA_KEY_UP); lookupBinding(map, m_keyDD, GBA_KEY_DOWN); lookupBinding(map, m_keyDL, GBA_KEY_LEFT); lookupBinding(map, m_keyDR, GBA_KEY_RIGHT); lookupBinding(map, m_keySelect, GBA_KEY_SELECT); lookupBinding(map, m_keyStart, GBA_KEY_START); lookupBinding(map, m_keyA, GBA_KEY_A); lookupBinding(map, m_keyB, GBA_KEY_B); lookupBinding(map, m_keyL, GBA_KEY_L); lookupBinding(map, m_keyR, GBA_KEY_R); } void GBAKeyEditor::lookupBinding(const mInputMap* map, KeyEditor* keyEditor, GBAKey key) { #ifdef BUILD_SDL if (m_type == SDL_BINDING_BUTTON) { int value = mInputQueryBinding(map, m_type, key); keyEditor->setValueButton(value); return; } #endif keyEditor->setValueKey(mInputQueryBinding(map, m_type, key)); } #ifdef BUILD_SDL void GBAKeyEditor::lookupAxes(const mInputMap* map) { mInputEnumerateAxes(map, m_type, [](int axis, const mInputAxis* description, void* user) { GBAKeyEditor* self = static_cast(user); if (description->highDirection != GBA_KEY_NONE) { KeyEditor* key = self->keyById(static_cast(description->highDirection)); if (key) { key->setValueAxis(axis, description->deadHigh); } } if (description->lowDirection != GBA_KEY_NONE) { KeyEditor* key = self->keyById(static_cast(description->lowDirection)); if (key) { key->setValueAxis(axis, description->deadLow); } } }, this); } #endif void GBAKeyEditor::bindKey(const KeyEditor* keyEditor, GBAKey key) { #ifdef BUILD_SDL if (m_type == SDL_BINDING_BUTTON && keyEditor->axis() >= 0) { m_controller->bindAxis(m_type, keyEditor->axis(), keyEditor->direction(), key); } #endif m_controller->bindKey(m_type, keyEditor->value(), key); } bool GBAKeyEditor::findFocus(KeyEditor* needle) { if (m_currentKey != m_keyOrder.end() && (*m_currentKey)->hasFocus()) { return true; } for (auto key = m_keyOrder.begin(); key != m_keyOrder.end(); ++key) { if ((*key)->hasFocus() || needle == *key) { m_currentKey = key; return true; } } return m_currentKey != m_keyOrder.end(); } #ifdef BUILD_SDL void GBAKeyEditor::setAxisValue(int axis, int32_t value) { if (!findFocus()) { return; } KeyEditor* focused = *m_currentKey; focused->setValueAxis(axis, value); } void GBAKeyEditor::selectGamepad(int index) { m_controller->setGamepad(m_type, index); m_profile = m_profileSelect->currentText(); m_controller->loadProfile(m_type, m_profile); refresh(); } #endif KeyEditor* GBAKeyEditor::keyById(GBAKey key) { switch (key) { case GBA_KEY_UP: return m_keyDU; case GBA_KEY_DOWN: return m_keyDD; case GBA_KEY_LEFT: return m_keyDL; case GBA_KEY_RIGHT: return m_keyDR; case GBA_KEY_A: return m_keyA; case GBA_KEY_B: return m_keyB; case GBA_KEY_L: return m_keyL; case GBA_KEY_R: return m_keyR; case GBA_KEY_SELECT: return m_keySelect; case GBA_KEY_START: return m_keyStart; default: break; } return nullptr; } void GBAKeyEditor::setLocation(QWidget* widget, qreal x, qreal y) { QSize s = size(); QSize hint = widget->sizeHint(); widget->setGeometry(s.width() * x - hint.width() / 2.0, s.height() * y - hint.height() / 2.0, hint.width(), hint.height()); } #ifdef BUILD_SDL void GBAKeyEditor::updateJoysticks() { m_controller->updateJoysticks(); m_controller->recalibrateAxes(); m_profileSelect->clear(); m_profileSelect->addItems(m_controller->connectedGamepads(m_type)); int activeGamepad = m_controller->gamepad(m_type); selectGamepad(activeGamepad); if (activeGamepad > 0) { m_profileSelect->setCurrentIndex(activeGamepad); } lookupAxes(m_controller->map()); } #endif