/* Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Jeffrey Pfau * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "VideoView.h" #ifdef USE_FFMPEG #include "GBAApp.h" #include "LogController.h" #include #ifdef M_CORE_GB extern "C" { #include "gb/video.h" } #endif using namespace QGBA; QMap VideoView::s_acodecMap; QMap VideoView::s_vcodecMap; QMap VideoView::s_containerMap; bool VideoView::Preset::compatible(const Preset& other) const { if (!other.container.isNull() && !container.isNull() && other.container != container) { return false; } if (!other.acodec.isNull() && !acodec.isNull() && other.acodec != acodec) { return false; } if (!other.vcodec.isNull() && !vcodec.isNull() && other.vcodec != vcodec) { return false; } if (other.abr && abr && other.abr != abr) { return false; } if (other.vbr && vbr && other.vbr != vbr) { return false; } if (other.dims.width() && dims.width() && other.dims.width() != dims.width()) { return false; } if (other.dims.height() && dims.height() && other.dims.height() != dims.height()) { return false; } return true; } VideoView::VideoView(QWidget* parent) : QWidget(parent) , m_audioCodecCstr(nullptr) , m_videoCodecCstr(nullptr) , m_containerCstr(nullptr) , m_nativeWidth(0) , m_nativeHeight(0) , m_width(1) , m_height(1) { m_ui.setupUi(this); if (s_acodecMap.empty()) { s_acodecMap["mp3"] = "libmp3lame"; s_acodecMap["opus"] = "libopus"; s_acodecMap["uncompressed"] = "pcm_s16le"; } if (s_vcodecMap.empty()) { s_vcodecMap["dirac"] = "libschroedinger"; s_vcodecMap["h264"] = "libx264"; s_vcodecMap["hevc"] = "libx265"; s_vcodecMap["theora"] = "libtheora"; s_vcodecMap["vp8"] = "libvpx"; s_vcodecMap["vp9"] = "libvpx-vp9"; s_vcodecMap["xvid"] = "libxvid"; } if (s_containerMap.empty()) { s_containerMap["mkv"] = "matroska"; } connect(m_ui.buttonBox, SIGNAL(rejected()), this, SLOT(close())); connect(m_ui.start, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(startRecording())); connect(m_ui.stop, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(stopRecording())); connect(m_ui.selectFile, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(selectFile())); connect(m_ui.filename, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)), this, SLOT(setFilename(const QString&))); connect(m_ui.audio, SIGNAL(activated(const QString&)), this, SLOT(setAudioCodec(const QString&))); connect(m_ui.video, SIGNAL(activated(const QString&)), this, SLOT(setVideoCodec(const QString&))); connect(m_ui.container, SIGNAL(activated(const QString&)), this, SLOT(setContainer(const QString&))); connect(m_ui.audio, SIGNAL(editTextChanged(const QString&)), this, SLOT(setAudioCodec(const QString&))); connect(m_ui.video, SIGNAL(editTextChanged(const QString&)), this, SLOT(setVideoCodec(const QString&))); connect(m_ui.container, SIGNAL(editTextChanged(const QString&)), this, SLOT(setContainer(const QString&))); connect(m_ui.abr, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setAudioBitrate(int))); connect(m_ui.vbr, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setVideoBitrate(int))); connect(m_ui.width, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setWidth(int))); connect(m_ui.height, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setHeight(int))); connect(m_ui.wratio, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setAspectWidth(int))); connect(m_ui.hratio, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setAspectHeight(int))); connect(m_ui.showAdvanced, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(showAdvanced(bool))); FFmpegEncoderInit(&m_encoder); updatePresets(); setPreset({ .container = "MKV", .vcodec = "PNG", .acodec = "FLAC", .vbr = 0, .abr = 0, .dims = QSize(), }); showAdvanced(false); } void VideoView::updatePresets() { m_presets.clear(); addPreset(m_ui.preset1080, { .container = QString(), .vcodec = QString(), .acodec = QString(), .vbr = 0, .abr = 0, .dims = maintainAspect(QSize(1920, 1080)) }); addPreset(m_ui.preset720, { .container = QString(), .vcodec = QString(), .acodec = QString(), .vbr = 0, .abr = 0, .dims = maintainAspect(QSize(1280, 720)) }); addPreset(m_ui.preset480, { .container = QString(), .vcodec = QString(), .acodec = QString(), .vbr = 0, .abr = 0, .dims = maintainAspect(QSize(720, 480)) }); if (m_nativeWidth && m_nativeHeight) { addPreset(m_ui.presetNative, { .container = QString(), .vcodec = QString(), .acodec = QString(), .vbr = 0, .abr = 0, .dims = QSize(m_nativeWidth, m_nativeHeight) }); m_ui.presetNative->setEnabled(true); } addPreset(m_ui.presetHQ, { .container = "MP4", .vcodec = "h.264", .acodec = "AAC", .vbr = 8000, .abr = 384, .dims = maintainAspect(QSize(1920, 1080)) }); addPreset(m_ui.presetYoutube, { .container = "MP4", .vcodec = "h.264", .acodec = "AAC", .vbr = 5000, .abr = 256, .dims = maintainAspect(QSize(1280, 720)) }); addPreset(m_ui.presetWebM, { .container = "WebM", .vcodec = "VP8", .acodec = "Vorbis", .vbr = 800, .abr = 128 }); if (m_nativeWidth && m_nativeHeight) { addPreset(m_ui.presetLossless, { .container = "MKV", .vcodec = "PNG", .acodec = "FLAC", .vbr = 0, .abr = 0, .dims = QSize(m_nativeWidth, m_nativeHeight) }); } } VideoView::~VideoView() { stopRecording(); free(m_audioCodecCstr); free(m_videoCodecCstr); free(m_containerCstr); } void VideoView::startRecording() { if (!validateSettings()) { return; } if (!FFmpegEncoderOpen(&m_encoder, m_filename.toUtf8().constData())) { LOG(QT, ERROR) << tr("Failed to open output video file: %1").arg(m_filename); return; } m_ui.start->setEnabled(false); m_ui.stop->setEnabled(true); emit recordingStarted(&m_encoder.d); } void VideoView::stopRecording() { emit recordingStopped(); FFmpegEncoderClose(&m_encoder); m_ui.stop->setEnabled(false); validateSettings(); } void VideoView::setNativeResolution(const QSize& dims) { m_nativeWidth = dims.width(); m_nativeHeight = dims.height(); m_ui.presetNative->setText(tr("Native (%0x%1)").arg(m_nativeWidth).arg(m_nativeHeight)); QSize newSize = maintainAspect(QSize(m_width, m_height)); m_width = newSize.width(); m_height = newSize.height(); updateAspectRatio(m_nativeWidth, m_nativeHeight, false); updatePresets(); for (auto iterator = m_presets.constBegin(); iterator != m_presets.constEnd(); ++iterator) { if (iterator.key()->isChecked()) { setPreset(*iterator); break; } } } void VideoView::selectFile() { QString filename = GBAApp::app()->getSaveFileName(this, tr("Select output file")); if (!filename.isEmpty()) { m_ui.filename->setText(filename); } } void VideoView::setFilename(const QString& fname) { m_filename = fname; validateSettings(); } void VideoView::setAudioCodec(const QString& codec, bool manual) { free(m_audioCodecCstr); m_audioCodec = sanitizeCodec(codec, s_acodecMap); if (m_audioCodec == "none") { m_audioCodecCstr = nullptr; } else { m_audioCodecCstr = strdup(m_audioCodec.toUtf8().constData()); } if (!FFmpegEncoderSetAudio(&m_encoder, m_audioCodecCstr, m_abr)) { free(m_audioCodecCstr); m_audioCodecCstr = nullptr; m_audioCodec = QString(); } validateSettings(); if (manual) { uncheckIncompatible(); } } void VideoView::setVideoCodec(const QString& codec, bool manual) { free(m_videoCodecCstr); m_videoCodec = sanitizeCodec(codec, s_vcodecMap); m_videoCodecCstr = strdup(m_videoCodec.toUtf8().constData()); if (!FFmpegEncoderSetVideo(&m_encoder, m_videoCodecCstr, m_vbr)) { free(m_videoCodecCstr); m_videoCodecCstr = nullptr; m_videoCodec = QString(); } validateSettings(); if (manual) { uncheckIncompatible(); } } void VideoView::setContainer(const QString& container, bool manual) { free(m_containerCstr); m_container = sanitizeCodec(container, s_containerMap); m_containerCstr = strdup(m_container.toUtf8().constData()); if (!FFmpegEncoderSetContainer(&m_encoder, m_containerCstr)) { free(m_containerCstr); m_containerCstr = nullptr; m_container = QString(); } validateSettings(); if (manual) { uncheckIncompatible(); } } void VideoView::setAudioBitrate(int br, bool manual) { m_abr = br * 1000; FFmpegEncoderSetAudio(&m_encoder, m_audioCodecCstr, m_abr); validateSettings(); if (manual) { uncheckIncompatible(); } } void VideoView::setVideoBitrate(int br, bool manual) { m_vbr = br * 1000; FFmpegEncoderSetVideo(&m_encoder, m_videoCodecCstr, m_vbr); validateSettings(); if (manual) { uncheckIncompatible(); } } void VideoView::setWidth(int width, bool manual) { m_width = width; updateAspectRatio(width, 0, false); FFmpegEncoderSetDimensions(&m_encoder, m_width, m_height); if (manual) { uncheckIncompatible(); } } void VideoView::setHeight(int height, bool manual) { m_height = height; updateAspectRatio(0, height, false); FFmpegEncoderSetDimensions(&m_encoder, m_width, m_height); if (manual) { uncheckIncompatible(); } } void VideoView::setAspectWidth(int, bool manual) { updateAspectRatio(0, m_height, true); FFmpegEncoderSetDimensions(&m_encoder, m_width, m_height); if (manual) { uncheckIncompatible(); } } void VideoView::setAspectHeight(int, bool manual) { updateAspectRatio(m_width, 0, true); FFmpegEncoderSetDimensions(&m_encoder, m_width, m_height); if (manual) { uncheckIncompatible(); } } void VideoView::showAdvanced(bool show) { m_ui.advancedBox->setVisible(show); } bool VideoView::validateSettings() { bool valid = !m_filename.isNull() && !FFmpegEncoderIsOpen(&m_encoder); if (m_audioCodec.isNull()) { valid = false; m_ui.audio->setStyleSheet("QComboBox { color: red; }"); } else { m_ui.audio->setStyleSheet(""); } if (m_videoCodec.isNull()) { valid = false; m_ui.video->setStyleSheet("QComboBox { color: red; }"); } else { m_ui.video->setStyleSheet(""); } if (m_container.isNull()) { valid = false; m_ui.container->setStyleSheet("QComboBox { color: red; }"); } else { m_ui.container->setStyleSheet(""); } // This |valid| check is necessary as if one of the cstrs // is null, the encoder likely has a dangling pointer if (valid && !FFmpegEncoderVerifyContainer(&m_encoder)) { valid = false; } m_ui.start->setEnabled(valid); return valid; } void VideoView::updateAspectRatio(int width, int height, bool force) { if (m_ui.lockRatio->isChecked() || force) { if (width) { height = m_ui.hratio->value() * width / m_ui.wratio->value(); } else if (height) { width = m_ui.wratio->value() * height / m_ui.hratio->value(); } m_width = width; m_height = height; safelySet(m_ui.width, m_width); safelySet(m_ui.height, m_height); } else { int w = m_width; int h = m_height; // Get greatest common divisor while (w != 0) { int temp = h % w; h = w; w = temp; } int gcd = h; w = m_width / gcd; h = m_height / gcd; safelySet(m_ui.wratio, w); safelySet(m_ui.hratio, h); } } void VideoView::uncheckIncompatible() { Preset current = { .container = m_container, .vcodec = m_videoCodec, .acodec = m_audioCodec, .vbr = m_vbr / 1000, .abr = m_abr / 1000, .dims = QSize(m_width, m_height) }; m_ui.presets->setExclusive(false); m_ui.resolutions->setExclusive(false); for (auto iterator = m_presets.constBegin(); iterator != m_presets.constEnd(); ++iterator) { Preset next = *iterator; next.container = sanitizeCodec(next.container, s_containerMap); next.acodec = sanitizeCodec(next.acodec, s_acodecMap); next.vcodec = sanitizeCodec(next.vcodec, s_vcodecMap); if (!current.compatible(next)) { safelyCheck(iterator.key(), false); } } m_ui.presets->setExclusive(true); m_ui.resolutions->setExclusive(true); if (current.compatible(m_presets[m_ui.presetNative])) { safelyCheck(m_ui.presetNative); } if (current.compatible(m_presets[m_ui.preset480])) { safelyCheck(m_ui.preset480); } if (current.compatible(m_presets[m_ui.preset720])) { safelyCheck(m_ui.preset720); } if (current.compatible(m_presets[m_ui.preset1080])) { safelyCheck(m_ui.preset1080); } } QString VideoView::sanitizeCodec(const QString& codec, const QMap& mapping) { QString sanitized = codec.toLower(); sanitized = sanitized.remove(QChar('.')); if (mapping.contains(sanitized)) { sanitized = mapping[sanitized]; } return sanitized; } void VideoView::safelyCheck(QAbstractButton* button, bool set) { bool signalsBlocked = button->blockSignals(true); bool autoExclusive = button->autoExclusive(); button->setAutoExclusive(false); button->setChecked(set); button->setAutoExclusive(autoExclusive); button->blockSignals(signalsBlocked); } void VideoView::safelySet(QSpinBox* box, int value) { bool signalsBlocked = box->blockSignals(true); box->setValue(value); box->blockSignals(signalsBlocked); } void VideoView::safelySet(QComboBox* box, const QString& value) { bool signalsBlocked = box->blockSignals(true); box->lineEdit()->setText(value); box->blockSignals(signalsBlocked); } void VideoView::addPreset(QAbstractButton* button, const Preset& preset) { m_presets[button] = preset; button->disconnect(); connect(button, &QAbstractButton::pressed, [this, preset]() { setPreset(preset); }); } void VideoView::setPreset(const Preset& preset) { if (!preset.container.isNull()) { setContainer(preset.container, false); safelySet(m_ui.container, preset.container); } if (!preset.acodec.isNull()) { setAudioCodec(preset.acodec, false); safelySet(m_ui.audio, preset.acodec); } if (!preset.vcodec.isNull()) { setVideoCodec(preset.vcodec, false); safelySet(m_ui.video, preset.vcodec); } if (preset.abr) { setAudioBitrate(preset.abr, false); safelySet(m_ui.abr, preset.abr); } if (preset.vbr) { setVideoBitrate(preset.vbr, false); safelySet(m_ui.vbr, preset.vbr); } if (preset.dims.width() > 0) { setWidth(preset.dims.width(), false); safelySet(m_ui.width, preset.dims.width()); } if (preset.dims.height() > 0) { setHeight(preset.dims.height(), false); safelySet(m_ui.height, preset.dims.height()); } uncheckIncompatible(); validateSettings(); } QSize VideoView::maintainAspect(const QSize& size) { QSize ds = size; if (ds.width() * m_nativeHeight > ds.height() * m_nativeWidth) { ds.setWidth(ds.height() * m_nativeWidth / m_nativeHeight); } else if (ds.width() * m_nativeHeight < ds.height() * m_nativeWidth) { ds.setHeight(ds.width() * m_nativeHeight / m_nativeWidth); } return ds; } #endif