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mGBA Game Boy Advance Emulator

src/platform/test/cinema-main.c (view raw)

   1/* Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Jeffrey Pfau
   2 *
   3 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
   4 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
   5 * file, You can obtain one at */
   6#include <mgba/core/config.h>
   7#include <mgba/core/core.h>
   8#include <mgba/core/log.h>
   9#include <mgba/core/version.h>
  10#include <mgba/feature/commandline.h>
  11#include <mgba/feature/video-logger.h>
  13#include <mgba-util/png-io.h>
  14#include <mgba-util/string.h>
  15#include <mgba-util/table.h>
  16#include <mgba-util/threading.h>
  17#include <mgba-util/vector.h>
  18#include <mgba-util/vfs.h>
  20#ifdef USE_FFMPEG
  21#include "feature/ffmpeg/ffmpeg-decoder.h"
  22#include "feature/ffmpeg/ffmpeg-encoder.h"
  25#ifdef _MSC_VER
  26#include <mgba-util/platform/windows/getopt.h>
  28#include <getopt.h>
  31#include <stdlib.h>
  32#include <sys/stat.h>
  33#include <sys/types.h>
  35#define MAX_TEST 200
  36#define MAX_JOBS 128
  38static const struct option longOpts[] = {
  39	{ "base",       required_argument, 0, 'b' },
  40	{ "diffs",      no_argument, 0, 'd' },
  41	{ "help",       no_argument, 0, 'h' },
  42	{ "jobs",       required_argument, 0, 'j' },
  43	{ "dry-run",    no_argument, 0, 'n' },
  44	{ "outdir",     required_argument, 0, 'o' },
  45	{ "quiet",      no_argument, 0, 'q' },
  46	{ "rebaseline", no_argument, 0, 'r' },
  47	{ "verbose",    no_argument, 0, 'v' },
  48	{ "version",    no_argument, 0, '\0' },
  49	{ 0, 0, 0, 0 }
  52static const char shortOpts[] = "b:dhj:no:qrv";
  54enum CInemaStatus {
  55	CI_PASS,
  56	CI_FAIL,
  57	CI_XPASS,
  58	CI_XFAIL,
  59	CI_ERROR,
  60	CI_SKIP
  63struct CInemaTest {
  64	char directory[MAX_TEST];
  65	char filename[MAX_TEST];
  66	char name[MAX_TEST];
  67	enum CInemaStatus status;
  68	unsigned failedFrames;
  69	uint64_t failedPixels;
  70	unsigned totalFrames;
  71	uint64_t totalDistance;
  72	uint64_t totalPixels;
  75struct CInemaImage {
  76	void* data;
  77	unsigned width;
  78	unsigned height;
  79	unsigned stride;
  82DECLARE_VECTOR(CInemaTestList, struct CInemaTest)
  83DEFINE_VECTOR(CInemaTestList, struct CInemaTest)
  85DECLARE_VECTOR(ImageList, void*)
  86DEFINE_VECTOR(ImageList, void*)
  88static bool showVersion = false;
  89static bool showUsage = false;
  90static char base[PATH_MAX] = {0};
  91static char outdir[PATH_MAX] = {'.'};
  92static bool dryRun = false;
  93static bool diffs = false;
  94static bool rebaseline = false;
  95static int verbosity = 0;
  97static struct Table configTree;
  98static Mutex configMutex;
 100static int jobs = 1;
 101static size_t jobIndex = 0;
 102static Mutex jobMutex;
 103static Thread jobThreads[MAX_JOBS];
 104static int jobStatus;
 106bool CInemaTestInit(struct CInemaTest*, const char* directory, const char* filename);
 107void CInemaTestRun(struct CInemaTest*);
 109bool CInemaConfigGetUInt(struct Table* configTree, const char* testName, const char* key, unsigned* value);
 110void CInemaConfigLoad(struct Table* configTree, const char* testName, struct mCore* core);
 112static void _log(struct mLogger* log, int category, enum mLogLevel level, const char* format, va_list args);
 114ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT(printf, 2, 3) void CIlog(int minlevel, const char* format, ...) {
 115	if (verbosity < minlevel) {
 116		return;
 117	}
 118	va_list args;
 119	va_start(args, format);
 120	vprintf(format, args);
 121	va_end(args);
 124ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT(printf, 2, 3) void CIerr(int minlevel, const char* format, ...) {
 125	if (verbosity < minlevel) {
 126		return;
 127	}
 128	va_list args;
 129	va_start(args, format);
 130	vfprintf(stderr, format, args);
 131	va_end(args);
 134static bool parseCInemaArgs(int argc, char* const* argv) {
 135	int ch;
 136	int index = 0;
 137	while ((ch = getopt_long(argc, argv, shortOpts, longOpts, &index)) != -1) {
 138		const struct option* opt = &longOpts[index];
 139		switch (ch) {
 140		case '\0':
 141			if (strcmp(opt->name, "version") == 0) {
 142				showVersion = true;
 143			} else {
 144				return false;
 145			}
 146			break;
 147		case 'b':
 148			strlcpy(base, optarg, sizeof(base));
 149			// TODO: Verify path exists
 150			break;
 151		case 'd':
 152			diffs = true;
 153			break;
 154		case 'h':
 155			showUsage = true;
 156			break;
 157		case 'j':
 158			jobs = atoi(optarg);
 159			break;
 160		case 'n':
 161			dryRun = true;
 162			break;
 163		case 'o':
 164			strlcpy(outdir, optarg, sizeof(outdir));
 165			// TODO: Make directory
 166			break;
 167		case 'q':
 168			--verbosity;
 169			break;
 170		case 'r':
 171			rebaseline = true;
 172			break;
 173		case 'v':
 174			++verbosity;
 175			break;
 176		default:
 177			return false;
 178		}
 179	}
 181	return true;
 184static void usageCInema(const char* arg0) {
 185	printf("usage: %s [-dhnqv] [-b BASE] [-o DIR] [--version] [test...]\n", arg0);
 186	puts("  -b, --base [BASE]          Path to the CInema base directory");
 187	puts("  -d, --diffs                Output image diffs from failures");
 188	puts("  -h, --help                 Print this usage and exit");
 189	puts("  -n, --dry-run              List all collected tests instead of running them");
 190	puts("  -o, --output [DIR]         Path to output applicable results");
 191	puts("  -q, --quiet                Decrease log verbosity (can be repeated)");
 192	puts("  -r, --rebaseline           Rewrite the baseline for failing tests");
 193	puts("  -v, --verbose              Increase log verbosity (can be repeated)");
 194	puts("  --version                  Print version and exit");
 197static bool determineBase(int argc, char* const* argv) {
 198	// TODO: Better dynamic detection
 199	separatePath(__FILE__, base, NULL, NULL);
 200	strncat(base, PATH_SEP ".." PATH_SEP ".." PATH_SEP ".." PATH_SEP "cinema", sizeof(base) - strlen(base) - 1);
 201	return true;
 204static bool collectTests(struct CInemaTestList* tests, const char* path) {
 205	CIerr(2, "Considering path %s\n", path);
 206	struct VDir* dir = VDirOpen(path);
 207	if (!dir) {
 208		return false;
 209	}
 210	struct VDirEntry* entry = dir->listNext(dir);
 211	while (entry) {
 212		char subpath[PATH_MAX];
 213		snprintf(subpath, sizeof(subpath), "%s" PATH_SEP "%s", path, entry->name(entry));
 214		if (entry->type(entry) == VFS_DIRECTORY && strncmp(entry->name(entry), ".", 2) != 0 && strncmp(entry->name(entry), "..", 3) != 0) {
 215			if (!collectTests(tests, subpath)) {
 216				dir->close(dir);
 217				return false;
 218			}
 219		} else if (entry->type(entry) == VFS_FILE && strncmp(entry->name(entry), "test.", 5) == 0) {
 220			CIerr(3, "Found potential test %s\n", subpath);
 221			struct VFile* vf = dir->openFile(dir, entry->name(entry), O_RDONLY);
 222			if (vf) {
 223				if (mCoreIsCompatible(vf) != PLATFORM_NONE || mVideoLogIsCompatible(vf) != PLATFORM_NONE) {
 224					struct CInemaTest* test = CInemaTestListAppend(tests);
 225					if (!CInemaTestInit(test, path, entry->name(entry))) {
 226						CIerr(3, "Failed to create test\n");
 227						CInemaTestListResize(tests, -1);
 228					} else {
 229						CIerr(2, "Found test %s\n", test->name);
 230					}
 231				} else {
 232					CIerr(3, "Not a compatible file\n");
 233				}
 234				vf->close(vf);
 235			} else {
 236				CIerr(3, "Failed to open file\n");
 237			}
 238		}
 239		entry = dir->listNext(dir);
 240	}
 241	dir->close(dir);
 242	return true;
 245static int _compareNames(const void* a, const void* b) {
 246	const struct CInemaTest* ta = a;
 247	const struct CInemaTest* tb = b;
 249	return strncmp(ta->name, tb->name, sizeof(ta->name));
 252static void reduceTestList(struct CInemaTestList* tests) {
 253	qsort(CInemaTestListGetPointer(tests, 0), CInemaTestListSize(tests), sizeof(struct CInemaTest), _compareNames);
 255	size_t i;
 256	for (i = 1; i < CInemaTestListSize(tests);) {
 257		struct CInemaTest* cur = CInemaTestListGetPointer(tests, i);
 258		struct CInemaTest* prev = CInemaTestListGetPointer(tests, i - 1);
 259		if (strncmp(cur->name, prev->name, sizeof(cur->name)) != 0) {
 260			++i;
 261			continue;
 262		}
 263		CInemaTestListShift(tests, i, 1);
 264	}
 267static void testToPath(const char* testName, char* path) {
 268	strlcpy(path, base, PATH_MAX);
 270	bool dotSeen = true;
 271	size_t i;
 272	for (i = strlen(path); testName[0] && i < PATH_MAX; ++testName) {
 273		if (testName[0] == '.') {
 274			dotSeen = true;
 275		} else {
 276			if (dotSeen) {
 277				strlcpy(&path[i], PATH_SEP, PATH_MAX - i);
 278				i += strlen(PATH_SEP);
 279				dotSeen = false;
 280				if (!i) {
 281					break;
 282				}
 283			}
 284			path[i] = testName[0];
 285			++i;
 286		}
 287	}
 288	if (i == PATH_MAX) {
 289		--i;
 290	}
 291	path[i] = '\0';
 294static void _loadConfigTree(struct Table* configTree, const char* testName) {
 295	char key[MAX_TEST];
 296	strlcpy(key, testName, sizeof(key));
 298	struct mCoreConfig* config;
 299	while (!(config = HashTableLookup(configTree, key))) {
 300		char path[PATH_MAX];
 301		config = malloc(sizeof(*config));
 302		mCoreConfigInit(config, "cinema");
 303		testToPath(key, path);
 304		strncat(path, PATH_SEP, sizeof(path) - 1);
 305		strncat(path, "config.ini", sizeof(path) - 1);
 306		mCoreConfigLoadPath(config, path);
 307		HashTableInsert(configTree, key, config);
 308		char* pos = strrchr(key, '.');
 309		if (pos) {
 310			pos[0] = '\0';
 311		} else if (key[0]) {
 312			key[0] = '\0';
 313		} else {
 314			break;
 315		}
 316	}
 319static void _unloadConfigTree(const char* key, void* value, void* user) {
 320	UNUSED(key);
 321	UNUSED(user);
 322	mCoreConfigDeinit(value);
 325static const char* _lookupValue(struct Table* configTree, const char* testName, const char* key) {
 326	_loadConfigTree(configTree, testName);
 328	char testKey[MAX_TEST];
 329	strlcpy(testKey, testName, sizeof(testKey));
 331	struct mCoreConfig* config;
 332	while (true) {
 333		config = HashTableLookup(configTree, testKey);
 334		if (!config) {
 335			continue;
 336		}
 337		const char* str = ConfigurationGetValue(&config->configTable, "testinfo", key);
 338		if (str) {
 339			return str;
 340		}
 341		char* pos = strrchr(testKey, '.');
 342		if (pos) {
 343			pos[0] = '\0';
 344		} else if (testKey[0]) {
 345			testKey[0] = '\0';
 346		} else {
 347			break;
 348		}
 349	}
 350	return NULL;
 353bool CInemaConfigGetUInt(struct Table* configTree, const char* testName, const char* key, unsigned* out) {
 354	const char* charValue = _lookupValue(configTree, testName, key);
 355	if (!charValue) {
 356		return false;
 357	}
 358	char* end;
 359	unsigned long value = strtoul(charValue, &end, 10);
 360	if (*end) {
 361		return false;
 362	}
 363	*out = value;
 364	return true;
 367void CInemaConfigLoad(struct Table* configTree, const char* testName, struct mCore* core) {
 368	_loadConfigTree(configTree, testName);
 370	char testKey[MAX_TEST] = {0};
 371	char* keyEnd = testKey;
 372	const char* pos;
 373	while (true) {
 374		pos = strchr(testName, '.');
 375		size_t maxlen = sizeof(testKey) - (keyEnd - testKey) - 1;
 376		size_t len;
 377		if (pos) {
 378			len = pos - testName;
 379		} else {
 380			len = strlen(testName);
 381		}
 382		if (len > maxlen) {
 383			len = maxlen;
 384		}
 385		strncpy(keyEnd, testName, len);
 386		keyEnd += len;
 388		struct mCoreConfig* config = HashTableLookup(configTree, testKey);
 389		if (config) {
 390			core->loadConfig(core, config);
 391		}
 392		if (!pos) {
 393			break;
 394		}
 395		testName = pos + 1;
 396		keyEnd[0] = '.';
 397		++keyEnd;
 398	}
 401bool CInemaTestInit(struct CInemaTest* test, const char* directory, const char* filename) {
 402	if (strncmp(base, directory, strlen(base)) != 0) {
 403		return false;
 404	}
 405	memset(test, 0, sizeof(*test));
 406	strlcpy(test->directory, directory, sizeof(test->directory));
 407	strlcpy(test->filename, filename, sizeof(test->filename));
 408	directory += strlen(base) + 1;
 409	strlcpy(test->name, directory, sizeof(test->name));
 410	char* str = strstr(test->name, PATH_SEP);
 411	while (str) {
 412		str[0] = '.';
 413		str = strstr(str, PATH_SEP);
 414	}
 415	return true;
 418static bool _loadBaselinePNG(struct VDir* dir, struct CInemaImage* image, size_t frame, enum CInemaStatus* status) {
 419	char baselineName[32];
 420	snprintf(baselineName, sizeof(baselineName), "baseline_%04" PRIz "u.png", frame);
 421	struct VFile* baselineVF = dir->openFile(dir, baselineName, O_RDONLY);
 422	if (!baselineVF) {
 423		if (*status == CI_PASS) {
 424			*status = CI_FAIL;
 425		}
 426		return false;
 427	}
 429	png_structp png = PNGReadOpen(baselineVF, 0);
 430	png_infop info = png_create_info_struct(png);
 431	png_infop end = png_create_info_struct(png);
 432	if (!png || !info || !end || !PNGReadHeader(png, info)) {
 433		PNGReadClose(png, info, end);
 434		baselineVF->close(baselineVF);
 435		CIerr(1, "Failed to load %s\n", baselineName);
 436		*status = CI_ERROR;
 437		return false;
 438	}
 440	unsigned pwidth = png_get_image_width(png, info);
 441	unsigned pheight = png_get_image_height(png, info);
 442	if (pheight != image->height || pwidth != image->width) {
 443		PNGReadClose(png, info, end);
 444		baselineVF->close(baselineVF);
 445		CIlog(1, "Size mismatch for %s, expected %ux%u, got %ux%u\n", baselineName, pwidth, pheight, image->width, image->height);
 446		if (*status == CI_PASS) {
 447			*status = CI_FAIL;
 448		}
 449		return false;
 450	}
 452	image->data = malloc(pwidth * pheight * BYTES_PER_PIXEL);
 453	if (!image->data) {
 454		CIerr(1, "Failed to allocate baseline buffer\n");
 455		*status = CI_ERROR;
 456		PNGReadClose(png, info, end);
 457		baselineVF->close(baselineVF);
 458		return false;
 459	}
 460	if (!PNGReadPixels(png, info, image->data, pwidth, pheight, pwidth) || !PNGReadFooter(png, end)) {
 461		CIerr(1, "Failed to read %s\n", baselineName);
 462		*status = CI_ERROR;
 463		free(image->data);
 464		return false;
 465	}
 466	PNGReadClose(png, info, end);
 467	baselineVF->close(baselineVF);
 468	image->stride = pwidth;
 469	return true;
 472#ifdef USE_FFMPEG
 473struct CInemaStream {
 474	struct mAVStream d;
 475	struct CInemaImage* image;
 476	enum CInemaStatus* status;
 479static void _cinemaDimensionsChanged(struct mAVStream* stream, unsigned width, unsigned height) {
 480	struct CInemaStream* cistream = (struct CInemaStream*) stream;
 481	if (height != cistream->image->height || width != cistream->image->width) {
 482		CIlog(1, "Size mismatch for video, expected %ux%u, got %ux%u\n", width, height, cistream->image->width, cistream->image->height);
 483		if (*cistream->status == CI_PASS) {
 484			*cistream->status = CI_FAIL;
 485		}
 486	}
 489static void _cinemaVideoFrame(struct mAVStream* stream, const color_t* pixels, size_t stride) {
 490	struct CInemaStream* cistream = (struct CInemaStream*) stream;
 491	cistream->image->stride = stride;
 492	size_t bufferSize = cistream->image->stride * cistream->image->height * BYTES_PER_PIXEL;
 493	cistream->image->data = malloc(bufferSize);
 494	memcpy(cistream->image->data, pixels, bufferSize);
 498static struct VDir* _makeOutDir(const char* testName) {
 499	char path[PATH_MAX] = {0};
 500	strlcpy(path, outdir, sizeof(path));
 501	char* pathEnd = path + strlen(path);
 502	const char* pos;
 503	while (true) {
 504		pathEnd[0] = PATH_SEP[0];
 505		++pathEnd;
 506		pos = strchr(testName, '.');
 507		size_t maxlen = sizeof(path) - (pathEnd - path) - 1;
 508		size_t len;
 509		if (pos) {
 510			len = pos - testName;
 511		} else {
 512			len = strlen(testName);
 513		}
 514		if (len > maxlen) {
 515			len = maxlen;
 516		}
 517		strncpy(pathEnd, testName, len);
 518		pathEnd += len;
 520		mkdir(path, 0777);
 522		if (!pos) {
 523			break;
 524		}
 525		testName = pos + 1;
 526	}
 527	return VDirOpen(path);
 530static void _writeImage(struct VFile* vf, const struct CInemaImage* image) {
 531	png_structp png = PNGWriteOpen(vf);
 532	png_infop info = PNGWriteHeader(png, image->width, image->height);
 533	if (!PNGWritePixels(png, image->width, image->height, image->stride, image->data)) {
 534		CIerr(0, "Could not write output image\n");
 535	}
 536	PNGWriteClose(png, info);
 538	vf->close(vf);
 541static void _writeDiff(const char* testName, const struct CInemaImage* image, size_t frame, const char* type) {
 542	struct VDir* dir = _makeOutDir(testName);
 543	if (!dir) {
 544		CIerr(0, "Could not open directory for %s\n", testName);
 545		return;
 546	}
 547	char name[32];
 548	snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s_%04" PRIz "u.png", type, frame);
 549	struct VFile* vf = dir->openFile(dir, name, O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_WRONLY);
 550	if (!vf) {
 551		CIerr(0, "Could not open output file %s\n", name);
 552		dir->close(dir);
 553		return;
 554	}
 555	_writeImage(vf, image);
 556	dir->close(dir);
 559static void _writeBaseline(struct VDir* dir, const struct CInemaImage* image, size_t frame) {
 560	char baselineName[32];
 561	snprintf(baselineName, sizeof(baselineName), "baseline_%04" PRIz "u.png", frame);
 562	struct VFile* baselineVF = dir->openFile(dir, baselineName, O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_WRONLY);
 563	if (baselineVF) {
 564		_writeImage(baselineVF, image);
 565	} else {
 566		CIerr(0, "Could not open output file %s\n", baselineName);
 567	}
 570void CInemaTestRun(struct CInemaTest* test) {
 571	unsigned ignore = 0;
 572	MutexLock(&configMutex);
 573	CInemaConfigGetUInt(&configTree, test->name, "ignore", &ignore);
 574	MutexUnlock(&configMutex);
 575	if (ignore) {
 576		test->status = CI_SKIP;
 577		return;
 578	}
 580	struct VDir* dir = VDirOpen(test->directory);
 581	if (!dir) {
 582		CIerr(0, "Failed to open test directory\n");
 583		test->status = CI_ERROR;
 584		return;
 585	}
 586	struct VFile* rom = dir->openFile(dir, test->filename, O_RDONLY);
 587	if (!rom) {
 588		CIerr(0, "Failed to open test\n");
 589		test->status = CI_ERROR;
 590		return;
 591	}
 592	struct mCore* core = mCoreFindVF(rom);
 593	if (!core) {
 594		CIerr(0, "Failed to load test\n");
 595		test->status = CI_ERROR;
 596		rom->close(rom);
 597		return;
 598	}
 599	if (!core->init(core)) {
 600		CIerr(0, "Failed to init test\n");
 601		test->status = CI_ERROR;
 602		core->deinit(core);
 603		return;
 604	}
 605	struct CInemaImage image;
 606	core->desiredVideoDimensions(core, &image.width, &image.height);
 607	ssize_t bufferSize = image.width * image.height * BYTES_PER_PIXEL;
 608 = malloc(bufferSize);
 609	image.stride = image.width;
 610	if (! {
 611		CIerr(0, "Failed to allocate video buffer\n");
 612		test->status = CI_ERROR;
 613		core->deinit(core);
 614	}
 615	core->setVideoBuffer(core,, image.stride);
 616	mCoreConfigInit(&core->config, "cinema");
 618	unsigned limit = 9999;
 619	unsigned skip = 0;
 620	unsigned fail = 0;
 621	unsigned video = 0;
 623	MutexLock(&configMutex);
 624	CInemaConfigGetUInt(&configTree, test->name, "frames", &limit);
 625	CInemaConfigGetUInt(&configTree, test->name, "skip", &skip);
 626	CInemaConfigGetUInt(&configTree, test->name, "fail", &fail);
 627	CInemaConfigGetUInt(&configTree, test->name, "video", &video);
 628	CInemaConfigLoad(&configTree, test->name, core);
 629	MutexUnlock(&configMutex);
 631	struct VFile* save = VFileMemChunk(NULL, 0);
 632	core->loadROM(core, rom);
 633	if (!core->loadSave(core, save)) {
 634		save->close(save);
 635	}
 636	core->rtc.override = RTC_FAKE_EPOCH;
 637	core->rtc.value = 1200000000;
 638	core->reset(core);
 640	test->status = CI_PASS;
 642	unsigned minFrame = core->frameCounter(core);
 643	size_t frame;
 644	for (frame = 0; frame < skip; ++frame) {
 645		core->runFrame(core);
 646	}
 647	core->desiredVideoDimensions(core, &image.width, &image.height);
 649#ifdef USE_FFMPEG
 650	struct FFmpegDecoder decoder;
 651	struct FFmpegEncoder encoder;
 652	struct CInemaStream stream = {0};
 653	if (video) {
 654		char fname[PATH_MAX];
 655		snprintf(fname, sizeof(fname), "%s" PATH_SEP "baseline.mkv", test->directory);
 656		if (rebaseline) {
 657			FFmpegEncoderInit(&encoder);
 658			FFmpegEncoderSetAudio(&encoder, NULL, 0);
 659			FFmpegEncoderSetVideo(&encoder, "png", 0, 0);
 660			FFmpegEncoderSetContainer(&encoder, "mkv");
 661			FFmpegEncoderSetDimensions(&encoder, image.width, image.height);
 662			if (!FFmpegEncoderOpen(&encoder, fname)) {
 663				CIerr(1, "Failed to save baseline video\n");
 664			} else {
 665				core->setAVStream(core, &encoder.d);
 666			}
 667		} else {
 668			FFmpegDecoderInit(&decoder);
 669			stream.d.postVideoFrame = _cinemaVideoFrame;
 670			stream.d.videoDimensionsChanged = _cinemaDimensionsChanged;
 671			stream.status = &test->status;
 672			decoder.out = &stream.d;
 674			if (!FFmpegDecoderOpen(&decoder, fname)) {
 675				CIerr(1, "Failed to load baseline video\n");
 676			}
 677		}
 678	}
 680	if (video) {
 681		CIerr(0, "Failed to run video test without ffmpeg linked in\n");
 682		test->status = CI_ERROR;
 683	}
 686	for (frame = 0; limit; ++frame, --limit) {
 687		core->runFrame(core);
 688		++test->totalFrames;
 689		unsigned frameCounter = core->frameCounter(core);
 690		if (frameCounter <= minFrame) {
 691			break;
 692		}
 693		CIlog(3, "Test frame: %u\n", frameCounter);
 694		core->desiredVideoDimensions(core, &image.width, &image.height);
 695		uint8_t* diff = NULL;
 696		struct CInemaImage expected = {
 697			.data = NULL,
 698			.width = image.width,
 699			.height = image.height,
 700			.stride = image.width,
 701		};
 702		bool baselineFound;
 703		if (video) {
 704			baselineFound = false;
 705#ifdef USE_FFMPEG
 706			if (!rebaseline && FFmpegDecoderIsOpen(&decoder)) {
 707				stream.image = &expected;
 708				while (! {
 709					if (!FFmpegDecoderRead(&decoder)) {
 710						CIlog(1, "Failed to read more frames. EOF?\n");
 711						test->status = CI_FAIL;
 712						break;
 713					}
 714				}
 715				baselineFound =;
 716			}
 718		} else {
 719			baselineFound = _loadBaselinePNG(dir, &expected, frame, &test->status);
 720		}
 721		if (baselineFound) {
 722			uint8_t* testPixels =;
 723			uint8_t* expectPixels =;
 724			size_t x;
 725			size_t y;
 726			int max = 0;
 727			bool failed = false;
 728			for (y = 0; y < image.height; ++y) {
 729				for (x = 0; x < image.width; ++x) {
 730					size_t pix = expected.stride * y + x;
 731					size_t tpix = image.stride * y + x;
 732					int testR = testPixels[tpix * 4 + 0];
 733					int testG = testPixels[tpix * 4 + 1];
 734					int testB = testPixels[tpix * 4 + 2];
 735					int expectR = expectPixels[pix * 4 + 0];
 736					int expectG = expectPixels[pix * 4 + 1];
 737					int expectB = expectPixels[pix * 4 + 2];
 738					int r = expectR - testR;
 739					int g = expectG - testG;
 740					int b = expectB - testB;
 741					if (r | g | b) {
 742						failed = true;
 743						if (diffs && !diff) {
 744							diff = calloc(expected.stride * expected.height, BYTES_PER_PIXEL);
 745						}
 746						CIlog(3, "Frame %u failed at pixel %" PRIz "ux%" PRIz "u with diff %i,%i,%i (expected %02x%02x%02x, got %02x%02x%02x)\n",
 747						    frameCounter, x, y, r, g, b,
 748						    expectR, expectG, expectB,
 749						    testR, testG, testB);
 750						test->status = CI_FAIL;
 751						if (r < 0) {
 752							r = -r;
 753						}
 754						if (g < 0) {
 755							g = -g;
 756						}
 757						if (b < 0) {
 758							b = -b;
 759						}
 761						if (diff) {
 762							if (r > max) {
 763								max = r;
 764							}
 765							if (g > max) {
 766								max = g;
 767							}
 768							if (b > max) {
 769								max = b;
 770							}
 771							diff[pix * 4 + 0] = r;
 772							diff[pix * 4 + 1] = g;
 773							diff[pix * 4 + 2] = b;
 774						}
 776						test->totalDistance += r + g + b;
 777						++test->failedPixels;
 778					}
 779				}
 780			}
 781			if (failed) {
 782				++test->failedFrames;
 783			}
 784			test->totalPixels += image.height * image.width;
 785			if (rebaseline && failed) {
 786				_writeBaseline(dir, &image, frame);
 787			}
 788			if (diff) {
 789				if (failed) {
 790					struct CInemaImage outdiff = {
 791						.data = diff,
 792						.width = expected.width,
 793						.height = expected.height,
 794						.stride = expected.stride,
 795					};
 797					_writeDiff(test->name, &image, frame, "result");
 798					_writeDiff(test->name, &expected, frame, "expected");
 799					_writeDiff(test->name, &outdiff, frame, "diff");
 801					for (y = 0; y < outdiff.height; ++y) {
 802						for (x = 0; x < outdiff.width; ++x) {
 803							size_t pix = outdiff.stride * y + x;
 804							diff[pix * 4 + 0] = diff[pix * 4 + 0] * 255 / max;
 805							diff[pix * 4 + 1] = diff[pix * 4 + 1] * 255 / max;
 806							diff[pix * 4 + 2] = diff[pix * 4 + 2] * 255 / max;
 807						}
 808					}
 809					_writeDiff(test->name, &outdiff, frame, "normalized");
 810				}
 811				free(diff);
 812			}
 813			free(;
 814		} else if (test->status == CI_ERROR) {
 815			break;
 816		} else if (rebaseline && !video) {
 817			_writeBaseline(dir, &image, frame);
 818		} else if (!rebaseline) {
 819			test->status = CI_FAIL;
 820		}
 821	}
 823	if (fail) {
 824		if (test->status == CI_FAIL) {
 825			test->status = CI_XFAIL;
 826		} else if (test->status == CI_PASS) {
 827			test->status = CI_XPASS;
 828		}
 829	}
 831#ifdef USE_FFMPEG
 832	if (video) {
 833		if (rebaseline) {
 834			FFmpegEncoderClose(&encoder);
 835		} else {
 836			FFmpegDecoderClose(&decoder);
 837		}
 838	}
 841	free(;
 842	mCoreConfigDeinit(&core->config);
 843	core->deinit(core);
 844	dir->close(dir);
 847static bool CInemaTask(struct CInemaTestList* tests, size_t i) {
 848	bool success = true;
 849	struct CInemaTest* test = CInemaTestListGetPointer(tests, i);
 850	if (dryRun) {
 851		CIlog(-1, "%s\n", test->name);
 852	} else {
 853		CIlog(1, "%s: ", test->name);
 854		fflush(stdout);
 855		CInemaTestRun(test);
 856		switch (test->status) {
 857		case CI_PASS:
 858			CIlog(1, "pass\n");
 859			break;
 860		case CI_FAIL:
 861			success = false;
 862			CIlog(1, "fail\n");
 863			break;
 864		case CI_XPASS:
 865			CIlog(1, "xpass\n");
 866			break;
 867		case CI_XFAIL:
 868			CIlog(1, "xfail\n");
 869			break;
 870		case CI_SKIP:
 871			CIlog(1, "skip\n");
 872			break;
 873		case CI_ERROR:
 874			success = false;
 875			CIlog(1, "error\n");
 876			break;
 877		}
 878		if (test->failedFrames) {
 879			CIlog(2, "\tfailed frames: %u/%u (%1.3g%%)\n", test->failedFrames, test->totalFrames, test->failedFrames / (test->totalFrames * 0.01));
 880			CIlog(2, "\tfailed pixels: %" PRIu64 "/%" PRIu64 " (%1.3g%%)\n", test->failedPixels, test->totalPixels, test->failedPixels / (test->totalPixels * 0.01));
 881			CIlog(2, "\tdistance: %" PRIu64 "/%" PRIu64 " (%1.3g%%)\n", test->totalDistance, test->totalPixels * 765, test->totalDistance / (test->totalPixels * 7.65));
 882		}
 883	}
 884	return success;
 887static THREAD_ENTRY CInemaJob(void* context) {
 888	struct CInemaTestList* tests = context;
 889	bool success = true;
 890	while (true) {
 891		size_t i;
 892		MutexLock(&jobMutex);
 893		i = jobIndex;
 894		++jobIndex;
 895		MutexUnlock(&jobMutex);
 896		if (i >= CInemaTestListSize(tests)) {
 897			break;
 898		}
 899		if (!CInemaTask(tests, i)) {
 900			success = false;
 901		}
 902	}
 903	MutexLock(&jobMutex);
 904	if (!success) {
 905		jobStatus = 1;
 906	}
 907	MutexUnlock(&jobMutex);
 910void _log(struct mLogger* log, int category, enum mLogLevel level, const char* format, va_list args) {
 911	UNUSED(log);
 912	if (verbosity < 0) {
 913		return;
 914	}
 915	int mask = mLOG_FATAL;
 916	if (verbosity >= 1) {
 917		mask |= mLOG_ERROR;
 918	}
 919	if (verbosity >= 2) {
 920		mask |= mLOG_WARN;
 921	}
 922	if (verbosity >= 4) {
 923		mask |= mLOG_INFO;
 924	}
 925	if (verbosity >= 5) {
 926		mask |= mLOG_ALL;
 927	}
 928	if (!(mask & level)) {
 929		return;
 930	}
 932	char buffer[256];
 933	vsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), format, args);
 934	CIerr(0, "[%s] %s\n", mLogCategoryName(category), buffer);
 937int main(int argc, char** argv) {
 938	int status = 0;
 939	if (!parseCInemaArgs(argc, argv)) {
 940		status = 1;
 941		goto cleanup;
 942	}
 944	if (showVersion) {
 945		version(argv[0]);
 946		goto cleanup;
 947	}
 949	if (showUsage) {
 950		usageCInema(argv[0]);
 951		goto cleanup;
 952	}
 954	argc -= optind;
 955	argv += optind;
 957	if (!base[0] && !determineBase(argc, argv)) {
 958		CIlog(0, "Could not determine CInema test base. Please specify manually.");
 959		status = 1;
 960		goto cleanup;
 961	}
 962#ifndef _WIN32
 963	char* rbase = realpath(base, NULL);
 964	if (rbase) {
 965		strlcpy(base, rbase, sizeof(base));
 966		free(rbase);
 967	}
 970	struct CInemaTestList tests;
 971	CInemaTestListInit(&tests, 0);
 973	struct mLogger logger = { .log = _log };
 974	mLogSetDefaultLogger(&logger);
 975#ifdef USE_FFMPEG
 976	if (verbosity < 2) {
 977		av_log_set_level(AV_LOG_ERROR);
 978	}
 981	if (argc > 0) {
 982		size_t i;
 983		for (i = 0; i < (size_t) argc; ++i) {
 984			char path[PATH_MAX + 1] = {0};
 985			testToPath(argv[i], path);
 987			if (!collectTests(&tests, path)) {
 988				status = 1;
 989				break;
 990			}
 991		}
 992	} else if (!collectTests(&tests, base)) {
 993		status = 1;
 994	}
 996	if (CInemaTestListSize(&tests) == 0) {
 997		CIlog(1, "No tests found.");
 998		status = 1;
 999	} else {
1000		reduceTestList(&tests);
1001	}
1003	HashTableInit(&configTree, 0, free);
1004	MutexInit(&configMutex);
1006	if (jobs == 1) {
1007		size_t i;
1008		for (i = 0; i < CInemaTestListSize(&tests); ++i) {
1009			bool success = CInemaTask(&tests, i);
1010			if (!success) {
1011				status = 1;
1012			}
1013		}
1014	} else {
1015		MutexInit(&jobMutex);
1016		int i;
1017		for (i = 0; i < jobs; ++i) {
1018			ThreadCreate(&jobThreads[i], CInemaJob, &tests);
1019		}
1020		for (i = 0; i < jobs; ++i) {
1021			ThreadJoin(&jobThreads[i]);
1022		}
1023		MutexDeinit(&jobMutex);
1024		status = jobStatus;
1025	}
1027	MutexDeinit(&configMutex);
1028	HashTableEnumerate(&configTree, _unloadConfigTree, NULL);
1029	HashTableDeinit(&configTree);
1030	CInemaTestListDeinit(&tests);
1033	return status;