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mGBA Game Boy Advance Emulator

src/platform/qt/InputProfile.cpp (view raw)

  1/* Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Jeffrey Pfau
  2 *
  3 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
  4 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
  5 * file, You can obtain one at */
  6#include "InputProfile.h"
  8#include "InputController.h"
 10#include <QRegExp>
 12using namespace QGBA;
 14const InputProfile InputProfile::s_defaultMaps[] = {
 15	{
 16		"PLAYSTATION\\(R\\)3 Controller", // DualShock 3 (OS X)
 17		(int[GBA_KEY_MAX]) {
 18		/*keyA      */ 13,
 19		/*keyB      */ 14,
 20		/*keySelect */  0,
 21		/*keyStart  */  3,
 22		/*keyRight  */ -1,
 23		/*keyLeft   */ -1,
 24		/*keyUp     */ -1,
 25		/*keyDown   */ -1,
 26		/*keyR      */ 11,
 27		/*keyL      */ 10
 28		},
 29		(ShortcutButton[]) {
 30			{"loadState", 15},
 31			{"saveState", 12},
 32			{"holdFastForward", 9},
 33			{"holdRewind", 8},
 34			{}
 35		}
 36	},
 37	{
 38		"Wiimote \\(..-..-..-..-..-..\\)", // WJoy (OS X)
 39		(int[GBA_KEY_MAX]) {
 40		/*keyA      */ 15,
 41		/*keyB      */ 16,
 42		/*keySelect */  7,
 43		/*keyStart  */  6,
 44		/*keyRight  */ -1,
 45		/*keyLeft   */ -1,
 46		/*keyUp     */ -1,
 47		/*keyDown   */ -1,
 48		/*keyR      */ 20,
 49		/*keyL      */ 19
 50		},
 51		(ShortcutButton[]) {
 52			{"loadState", 18},
 53			{"saveState", 17},
 54			{"holdFastForward", 22},
 55			{"holdRewind", 21},
 56			{}
 57		}
 58	},
 59	{
 60		"Controller", // The Xbox 360 controller drivers on OS X are vague...
 61		(int[GBA_KEY_MAX]) {
 62		/*keyA      */ 1,
 63		/*keyB      */ 0,
 64		/*keySelect */  9,
 65		/*keyStart  */  8,
 66		/*keyRight  */ -1,
 67		/*keyLeft   */ -1,
 68		/*keyUp     */ -1,
 69		/*keyDown   */ -1,
 70		/*keyR      */ 5,
 71		/*keyL      */ 4
 72		},
 73		(ShortcutButton[]) {
 74			{"loadState", 2},
 75			{"saveState", 3},
 76			{}
 77		},
 78		(ShortcutAxis[]) {
 79			{"holdFastForward", GamepadAxisEvent::Direction::POSITIVE, 5},
 80			{"holdRewind", GamepadAxisEvent::Direction::POSITIVE, 2},
 81			{}
 82		}
 83	},
 86constexpr InputProfile::InputProfile(const char* name,
 87                                     int keys[GBA_KEY_MAX],
 88                                     const ShortcutButton* shortcutButtons,
 89                                     const ShortcutAxis* shortcutAxes,
 90                                     AxisValue axes[GBA_KEY_MAX],
 91                                     const struct Coord& tiltAxis,
 92                                     const struct Coord& gyroAxis,
 93                                     float gyroSensitivity)
 94	: m_profileName(name)
 95	, m_keys {
 96		keys[GBA_KEY_A],
 97		keys[GBA_KEY_B],
 98		keys[GBA_KEY_SELECT],
 99		keys[GBA_KEY_START],
100		keys[GBA_KEY_RIGHT],
101		keys[GBA_KEY_LEFT],
102		keys[GBA_KEY_UP],
103		keys[GBA_KEY_DOWN],
104		keys[GBA_KEY_R],
105		keys[GBA_KEY_L]
106	}
107	, m_shortcutButtons(shortcutButtons)
108	, m_shortcutAxes(shortcutAxes)
109	, m_axes {
110		axes[GBA_KEY_A],
111		axes[GBA_KEY_B],
112		axes[GBA_KEY_SELECT],
113		axes[GBA_KEY_START],
114		axes[GBA_KEY_RIGHT],
115		axes[GBA_KEY_LEFT],
116		axes[GBA_KEY_UP],
117		axes[GBA_KEY_DOWN],
118		axes[GBA_KEY_R],
119		axes[GBA_KEY_L]
120	}
121	, m_tiltAxis(tiltAxis)
122	, m_gyroAxis(gyroAxis)
123	, m_gyroSensitivity(gyroSensitivity)
127const InputProfile* InputProfile::findProfile(const QString& name) {
128	for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(s_defaultMaps) / sizeof(*s_defaultMaps); ++i) {
129		QRegExp re(s_defaultMaps[i].m_profileName);
130		if (re.exactMatch(name)) {
131			return &s_defaultMaps[i];
132		}
133	}
134	return nullptr;
137void InputProfile::apply(InputController* controller) const {
138	for (size_t i = 0; i < GBA_KEY_MAX; ++i) {
139		controller->bindKey(SDL_BINDING_BUTTON, m_keys[i], static_cast<GBAKey>(i));
140		controller->bindAxis(SDL_BINDING_BUTTON, m_axes[i].axis, m_axes[i].direction, static_cast<GBAKey>(i));
141	}
142	controller->registerTiltAxisX(m_tiltAxis.x);
143	controller->registerTiltAxisY(m_tiltAxis.y);
144	controller->registerGyroAxisX(m_gyroAxis.x);
145	controller->registerGyroAxisY(m_gyroAxis.y);
146	controller->setGyroSensitivity(m_gyroSensitivity);
149bool InputProfile::lookupShortcutButton(const QString& shortcutName, int* button) const {
150	for (size_t i = 0; m_shortcutButtons[i].shortcut; ++i) {
151		const ShortcutButton& shortcut = m_shortcutButtons[i];
152		if (QLatin1String(shortcut.shortcut) == shortcutName) {
153			*button = shortcut.button;
154			return true;
155		}
156	}
157	return false;
160bool InputProfile::lookupShortcutAxis(const QString& shortcutName, int* axis, GamepadAxisEvent::Direction* direction) const {
161	for (size_t i = 0; m_shortcutAxes[i].shortcut; ++i) {
162		const ShortcutAxis& shortcut = m_shortcutAxes[i];
163		if (QLatin1String(shortcut.shortcut) == shortcutName) {
164			*axis = shortcut.axis;
165			*direction = shortcut.direction;
166			return true;
167		}
168	}
169	return false;