myks ---- A barebones in-memory keystore in 125~ lines of actual code. FEATURES • Set key-value pairs with a given expiration. • Set key-value pairs without a given expiration. • Get values of any type (uses Go generics). • Delete unwanted values. • Probably not memory-safe! INSTALLING `go get` USAGE `ks := myks.New[string](5 * time.Minute)` creates a new instance and starts a goroutine that cleans up expired entries every 5 minutes. You can also pass `0` to disable the cleanup goroutine altogether. `go ks.StartCleanup(10 * time.Minute)` starts the cleanup goroutine at a later stage or changes its interval, if it's already started. `ks.Set("key", "value", 2 * time.Minute)` sets a new key-value pair with an expiration of 2 minutes. You can also pass `0` to keep that value until the app is stopped. `ks.Get("key")` returns a pointer to the set value and an error value (either nil, `ks.ErrNotFound` or `ks.ErrExpired`). `ks.Delete("key")` deletes a given key-value pair. `ks.Keys()` returns an iterator for all keys that are not expired. LICENSE myks is licensed under MIT.