# Simple Discord Music Bot ### Why? I wanted to experiment with [discord.js](https://discord.js.org/). ### Will you add \? Nah, this is just a proof of concept. ### Can I add this bot to my server? Sure, go ahead and host it yourself. ## Instructions First, install dependencies: ``` npm i ``` While that happens, create your own application in the [Discord Developer Portal](https://discord.com/developers/applications). In the "Bot" tab, click on "Add Bot", then generate a new token. Now you can copy `config.example.json` into `config.json` and fill it with your Application ID and Discord Bot Token. Build the project: ``` npm run build ``` Then, deploy your commands: ``` npm run deploy-commands ``` This will also give you a link to invite the bot to any server. Finally, type this to start the bot: ``` npm start ``` Enjoy! ## OAuth2 permissions If for some reason you want to change the bot permissions, you can visit [this page](https://discordapi.com/permissions.html#17825792) and generate a custom link.