const { SlashCommandBuilder } = require('discord.js'); const { playStream, getChannel } = require('../functions/music'); // const reg = /^((?:https?:)?\/\/)?((?:www|m)\.)?((?:youtube(-nocookie)?\.com|\/(?:[\w\-]+\?v=|embed\/|v\/)?)([\w\-]+)(\S+)?$/; const radios = [ { name: 'EusariRadio', value: ';stream/' }, { name: 'Radio 24', value: '' }, { name: 'Radio Delfino', value: '' }, { name: 'Radio 105', value: '' }, ]; module.exports = { data: new SlashCommandBuilder() .setName('radio') .setDescription('Play a custom-defined webradio URL.') .addStringOption(option => option.setName('which') .setDescription('Select which radio to play') .setRequired(false) .addChoices(...radios)), async execute(interaction) { const channel = await getChannel(interaction); if (typeof channel == 'string') return await interaction.reply({ content: channel, ephemeral: true }); await interaction.deferReply(); // Get the YouTube URL or search query const radio = interaction.options.getString('which'); const streamUrl = radio ? radio : radios[0].value; playStream(streamUrl, channel); return await interaction.editReply('Playing web radio.'); }, };