import { BaseInteraction, ChatInputCommandInteraction, CommandInteraction, SlashCommandBuilder } from 'discord.js'; import play from 'play-dl'; import { playUrls, getChannel } from '../functions/music'; module.exports = { data: new SlashCommandBuilder() .setName('play') .setDescription('Play something off YouTube.') .addStringOption((option) => option .setName('query') .setDescription('YouTube URL or search query') .setRequired(true), ), async execute(interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction) { const channel = await getChannel(interaction); if (typeof channel == 'string') return await interaction.reply({ content: channel, ephemeral: true }); await interaction.deferReply(); const opt = interaction.options; const url = opt.getString('query'); let video, yt_info; switch (play.yt_validate(url)) { case 'video': playUrls([url], channel); return await interaction.editReply(`Added ${url} to queue.`); case 'search': yt_info = await, { source: { youtube: 'video' }, limit: 1 }); if (yt_info.length === 0) return await interaction.editReply('No results found.'); video = yt_info[0]; playUrls([video.url], channel); return await interaction.editReply(`Added ${video.url} to queue.`); case 'playlist': const playlist = await play.playlist_info(url, { incomplete : true }); const videos = await playlist.all_videos(); const urls = => e.url); const result = await playUrls(urls, channel); if (result) return await interaction.editReply(`Added ${urls.length} videos from the following playlist: ${playlist.title}.`); else return await interaction.editReply(`Could not add playlist.`); default: return await interaction.editReply('Not supported.'); } }, };