# BiRabittoh's bookmarks I'll be using this page to store my favorite capsules, since I try out a lot of different gemini browsers and getting them all synced is literally impossible. So, while this page is mainly useful to me, you can also use it to discover awesome Gemini capsules! ``` Useful stuff I often need to copy-paste < ~ > ` ``` ## Awesome stuff => //gemlog.blue gemlog.blue => gemini://weather.gluonspace.com Weather info => gemini://bleyble.com/users/quokka/games/sudoku Daily Sudoku => gemini://main-street.nightfall.city Nightfall City ## Directories => gemini://geminispace.info Gemini Search Engine => gemini://medusae.space medusae.space => gemini://geddit.glv.one Geddit ## Proxies => gemini://wp.glv.one Wikipedia => gemini://pon.ix.tc/github GitHub => gemini://pon.ix.tc/youtube YouTube => gemini://translate.metalune.xyz Translators => gemini://rawtext.club/~sloum/geminews Some news => gemini://simplynews.metalune.xyz A lot more news ## Cool people => //anime.flounder.online Gemini Anime Turnpike => //felixp7.flounder.online The cutting room floor => gemini://koyu.space koyu.space => gemini://oppen.digital Oppenlab => gemini://gemini.barca.mi.it fnt400 => / Back to my capsule.