all repos — website-gemini @ 58f1c57a31b02c01de30d50f1e7c6ea6fe4614fe

index.gmi (view raw)

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12# BiRabittoh's Capsule
13Welcome to my personal capsule!
14While this is basically a front page for my main projects, I'll write on my gemlog about whatever comes to mind, mainly technology and art.
15This means people can read it when I get famous in 80 years or so.
17From here, you can check out:
18=> gemlog My gemlog
19=> cool.gmi Cool gemini capsules
21## About me
22Italian male born in 1998; I've been programming since 2016 and I love it.
23I enjoy art in every form, including video-games, as well as every kind of humor. I usually hang around on Discord while programming stuff I'll probably never actually get finished.
24While Italian is my main language, I can read and write perfect English. I'm a fast learner on any kind of programming language as long as it follows human logic.
25The name BiRabittoh comes from the Japanese pronunciation of "B-Rabbit", as said in Pandora Hearts, which was the first anime I watched on the internet.
26=> gemini:// More info on Pandora Hearts
28## Project contributions
29=> gemini:// Render96ex
30Working on the translation for this Super Mario 64 port.
31=> gemini:// nxengine-evo
32Fixing the italian translation for Cave Story.
34If you're curious about my other projects, feel free to check them out:
35=> My GitHub profile
37## Contact
38You can add me on Discord or send an e-mail for business inquiries. I'll try to reply as soon as I can.
39=> Bi-Rabittoh#5566 on Discord