baseURL = '' languageCode = 'en-us' title = 'BiRabittoh' theme = 'archie' #copyright = "© BiRabittoh" # Code Highlight pygmentsstyle = "monokai" pygmentscodefences = true pygmentscodefencesguesssyntax = true favicon = "favicon.ico" paginate=3 # articles per page [taxonomies] tag = "tags" #category = "categories" [params] mode="toggle" # color-mode → light,dark,toggle or auto useCDN=true # don't use CDNs for fonts and icons, instead serve them locally. #subtitle = "My blog and portfolio" #mathjax = true # enable MathJax support #katex = true # enable KaTeX support # Social Tags [[]] name = "RSS Feed" icon = "rss" url = "/articles/index.xml" [[]] name = "GitHub" icon = "github" url = "" [[]] name = "LinkedIn" icon = "linkedin" url = "" [[]] name = "E-Mail" icon = "mail" url = "" # Main menu Items [[menu.main]] name = "Articles" url = "/articles" weight = 1