all repos — RPG @ 782b83c6c259a2b11d9354097fd68317d1ded9a7

Fully functional 3D turn based role playing game coded in C# and base Unity.

Assets/Fonts/insaniburger/Insanibc.ttf.meta (view raw)

 1fileFormatVersion: 2
 2guid: 2df032fb3d09c3d498e75f4acc8c117d
 4  externalObjects: {}
 5  serializedVersion: 4
 6  fontSize: 16
 7  forceTextureCase: -2
 8  characterSpacing: 0
 9  characterPadding: 1
10  includeFontData: 1
11  fontName: Insaniburger with Cheese
12  fontNames:
13  - Insaniburger with Cheese
14  fallbackFontReferences: []
15  customCharacters: 
16  fontRenderingMode: 0
17  ascentCalculationMode: 1
18  useLegacyBoundsCalculation: 0
19  shouldRoundAdvanceValue: 1
20  userData: 
21  assetBundleName: 
22  assetBundleVariant: